Chapter 45

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~A/N~ Quarantine is a bitch
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"So it seems Divination is your only class left," said Professor McGonagall, handing me my new timetable, now with all the boxes filled in with 'Divination'.

"Why?" I asked, barely able to get the words out. Something must have happened, maybe there was a mistake...

"Because you got kicked out of all the other ones," she said, puzzled, as though it was obvious. "You don't work hard enough, or do your homework on time, and I can tell you that you will never pass your Transfiguration exam. If you're at this level in all your other subjects, it's no surprise you have been removed from all of them."

Holding back tears, I sprinted back to the common room only to bump into Luke, who shoved me violently so that I splatted against the floor.

"What was that for?" I shouted after him as he sniggered.

"For making me lose the Quidditch match!" he yelled. "It was your fault, your advice didn't help me at all!"

"Also because it's your fault Buckbeak's appeal failed!" Calum snapped, appearing from behind Luke. His words not only hurt, but confused me as I was sure Buckbeak's appeal hadn't happened yet. "If you had stopped being so selfish, and actually tried to help us with it maybe he wouldn't have died! But no, you were so caught up in your own worries you forgot about your friends!"

With that, the two marched off, leaving me to wallow in my own pity before I realised that I was perfectly demonstrating the selfishness Calum had described. So, I carried on to Gryffindor Tower, so I could find my other friends and ask them what was going on. The tears were getting harder to hold back now, as I was having an emotionally draining and confusing day.

"Sorry for your loss," someone mumbled as I climbed through the portrait hole, and I stopped. As far as I knew, I hadn't lost anybody.

"My condolences," sniffed Percy, coming up to me and clapping me on the back. "Hermione will be missed."

"What?" I said. "Hermione isn't dead!"

"They say denial is a key stage of grief," said Percy, "and yes. She died of too much work, remember?"

"All because you didn't help her," Ashton snarled, piping up from his armchair by the fire. "You were her only hope, and you just focused on getting your own work done instead of helping Hermione, when she was obviously drowning in it."

"What do you mean? I didn't know-"

"Well, you should've done," said Ginny, joining in the conversation and showing no mercy as tears began to slide down my face. "She was clearly under stress, crushed by the pressure, and you didn't do anything!"

"Maybe it's because she's muggleborn," suggested Michael. "My parents were right, they're all filth."

"But Michael!" I gasped. "You hate your parents, you don't agree with anything they say!"

"I was definitely wrong about that," he growled. "I mean, look at you! Not that your muggle family even want you any more."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He gestured to a letter lying on the table and, with a heavy heart and tight throat, I opened it. After scanning through the messy scrawl of my mother several times, the stream of tears was impossible to hold back.

Dear Leila,
You are a disgrace, a disappointment to the whole family. I don't have the paper and ink to waste on you, so let's keep this short. You are disowned. You essentially murdered your best friend, and that Hippogriff, and let your whole house down by ruining the quidditch match. Oh, and you were thrown out of all your subjects. It's only a matter of time before the school throws you out, and when that happens don't come crying back to us - you are no longer welcome in Castle Combe.
Change your last name, too. We don't want to be associated with you.
From, the Ahmed Family

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