Chapter 59

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~A/N~ Hey! If you support Trump or don't support #BLM, you're bigoted and disgusting and I don't want you reading this book any more :) 5sos condemn racism but there's still rampant racism in the fandom, and my story is a safe space with a brown main character, so no Trump or Boris supporters are allowed!
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Madame Pince's glare burned into my back as Hermione and Calum rushed Ginny, Michael and I into the back corner, an area often used for group meetings as it was out of the librarian's sight and hearing distance.

"No running!"

 Ginny muttered something about where Madame Pince could run to, and I stifled a giggle until we reached the cosy sofas surrounded by books that made me feel at home in a way nowhere else could.

"So," said Hermione once everyone was settled, "welcome to the first meeting of SPEW."

"The first meeting of what now?" Michael choked. "What in the name of Merlin is spew?"

"The Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare," Calum announced proudly. "Hermione and I have been working on it all week, and you're all in it."

"Who's idea was it to name it SPEW?" Ginny asked. "Also when did we join this club again?"

"We both named it," said Hermione sternly. "And you're in it to help earn elves rights!"

"Right," I said slowly. "So why aren't Ashton and Luke here?"

"Because Ashton will just make fun of us, and Luke doesn't believe in elf rights," Calum said. "Neither of them would be compatible with our aim, so they weren't invited. On the bright side, we're looking to recruit some Hufflepuffs soon."

"Great," Michael rolled his eyes.

"We need to make some badges," Hermione said. "That's why we're here today, so you three can do that and Calum and I can plan the agenda for the next meeting, and some other things."

I raised my eyebrows at Ginny and Michael, who returned the expression, but we shrugged it off and got to work.

"This is a bit ridiculous," Ginny said. "I mean, elf rights are good and everything, but I have more important things to do."

"I guess someone has to do it though," Michael tried to look on the bright side. "Elves aren't going to be paid just by us saying it. It's a long, boring process that involves making some low quality badges."

"I don't think the badges are really necessary though," I said, swearing as I once again messed up the design and had to restart. "Besides, I've not taken an art class since I was ten. How did Calum and Hermione think this was a good idea?"

Surveying the hastily designed and executed array of badges in front of us, I sighed. "Should we start again?"

"What's even the point?" Michael groaned. "We might as well just leave them."

And so it was that an hour later I trudged back into the common room with tired eyes and aching hands, straight into Luke's arms.

"Someone doesn't look very happy," he said softly in my ear. "What happened in the library?"

"SPEW happened," I groaned, and Ashton burst out laughing as Ginny and Michael also climbed through the portrait hole, arms full of the terrible badges.

"What's SPEW?" Ashton hiccupped.

"A mistake."

"Actual hell."

"So you didn't have a great time then?" Luke moved away slightly, but kept his arms around me.

"Does it sound like we had a great time?" I glared at him, but quickly changed my tone when Calum entered the common room. "Because we absolutely did!"

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