Chapter 2: A Lyons Pack Returns....

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     The next day all the Lyons met up Lucious' house, the first to arrive were Hakeem & Jamal. " Wassup, bro. How have you been?" said Jamal. " I've been good, bro. What about you?" said Hakeem. " You know I'm still working on my music, man." said Jamal.  A couple of minutes later, they were greeted by Andre & Cookie.

The first thing that Cookie did when she seen her sons, was give them all a big hug. " I missed you all so much." said Cookie. As they all talked about what happened with them over the past 5 years, Lucious joined them shortly after a couple of minutes.

" You all may be wondering why I called you back here." said Lucious. " It's about grandma!" said Hakeem. Cookie scanned the room. " Where's Boo Boo Kitty?" said Cookie.

" Anika & I broke up over a year ago, because she had an affair with Shine. But,yes. This is about my mother." said Lucious.  " But, she said she never wanted to see again."said Andre. " First of all, she said as long as Anika was here & secondly, it is asked for you by the court." said Lucious.

" When is the trial?" asked Jamal. " In 2 days." said Lucious. " I booked you all a hotel room at the NY Hotel & Suite." said Lucious.  " Okay. But, we're only staying thus week. Then, we're all heading back home." said Cookie.
" Okay." said Lucious.

2 days later at Leah's trial, all the Lyons were in attendance but were surprised when Tyreik & Anika made a special appearance. Everyone have their statements, but when it was Anika's turn, the room got quiet.

" I don't think you should release Leah Walker. Because, before she was locked up this woman was a danger to me & my baby. She always tried to get her son to throw me out of his house." said Anika.

" Ms. Calhoun, did Leah Walker ever put her hands on your or your baby in a sense of danger?" asked the black female judge.

" Yes to me. Your honor." said Anika.

"Mr. Lucious Lyon, we'll will let you & your family know the date of your mother sometime later today. Court adjourned." said the judge. " Yes, your honor." said Lucious. As the court dismissed, the judge went into her chamber.

The Lyons went back to Lucious' house, but one question was on all the Lyons' minds. ( Why was Anika at Leah's trail & throw her under the bus?)  

But a couple of hours later, the Lyons left Lucious' house. " Keep us posted about what the decision the court made, okay." said Cookie to Lucious. " Okay." said Lucious, as Cookie walked out the front door.

The Lyons took an Uber to the hotel. As, they were chilling in their suite. They each got the same text from Lucious.....

Lucious: The court approved Leah's release.

This news made the other Lyons' both happy & upset. So they decided to blow off some steam at the hotel's lobby bar.
Each Lyon ordered a Bloody Mary.

After getting wasted from about 4 or 5 drinks. The Lyons' decided to go up to the suite & fell asleep as soon as they enter. Jamal & Hakeem passed out on the couch, Cookie passed out on the bed & Andre passed out in a lounge chair.

At Lucious' house, he & Leah were sitting in the living room talking & laughing.

Until the next morning back at the Lyons' hotel room, Cookie came back into the hotel room with a bucket of ice with Fiji water bottles inside. The first one to wake up shortly after was Jamal. "  Catch." said Cookie, handing Jamal a Fiji water bottle. " So, what been going on with your love life, Mal." asked Cookie. " Well, nothing really. Just still looking." said Jamal. " What been going on with Mrs. Cookie Dubois." Asked Jamal. " He spoils me." said Cookie, with a little laugh.  But, there conversation was shortly interrupted by the ringing of a hotel phone. Cookie picked up the phone to see the caller ID say "Lucious Lyon" .

Cookie: Lucious, what now?
Lucious: I woke up & Leah is missing, but all her stuff is here. (Crying)
Cookie: Call the police & me & the boys will be their in a few.

An 1 hour later, the police did find Leah but in an unexpected place, EmpireXStream ( Empire). But, Leah wasn't alive & she had a white rose in one hand lying at the bottom of a staircase.

The next chapter, will be Leah's funeral & L.L will make his or her first appearance.

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