Chapter 7: Who Killed You?

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Cookie rushed over to Lucious'. She bursted through the front door. " What's wrong?" said Cookie. " This." said Lucious, pointing to his TV.

I spy a rat in the Lyons' den. -😈L.L😈

" What the hell?" said Cookie, as she looked at the message. Jamal was walking around think what this messsage from L.L might mean & what attack might L.L have, until he got a text from Phillip that made him blush.

(Jamal & Philip Chat:)

Philip: Missing you, babe,

Jamal: Miss you more.

Philip: See you tonight

Jamal: I love you

Philip: Love you, too.

(End of Chat)

Jamal continued to blush. Lucious smashed his glass table. " How the hell is this coward getting away with so much bs in these past few days." said Lucious . " And, how are you letting this coward get on your nerves so easily?" said Cookie.

" I'm not. I just hate that I don't know who this is." said Lucious. " Dad, if you show this dude that he's pissing you off he'll just use that to his advantage." said Hakeem. Hakeem got up from the couch got his cell phone & texted Tiana:


Hakeem: Hey bae

Tiana: Hey

Hakeem: How are feeling?

Tiana: Still got morning sickness & he's kicking more.

Hakeem: When he starts to kick, lay down for a minute.

Tiana: Okay. I miss you.

Hakeem: I miss you,too.

Tiana: I love you.

Hakeem: I love you, too.


Hakeem looked at the time on his phone. " It's getting late. I gotta go." said Hakeem. " Me too." said Cookie. " Me too." said Jamal. " Before you all leave, anybody here from Andre?" said Lucious. They all shook their heads & left.

Back at Andre's apartment.....

Andre was still freaking out over the missing files. He tore apart his whole apartment just to find those files. " Damnit, how did L.L get in my apartment." said Andre, to himself.

He got a text from L.L:

My, my, my. These files have loose pages & I have loose lips. -😈L.L😈

Andre got up from the floor & got so frustrated he threw his phone to the floor.

Back at Lucious'.....

Lucious was about to go upstairs to his room. When he saw a bright white light coming from the living room. " Hello?" said Lucious, as he pulled out his gun he carry with him. When he stepped to the threshold of the living room. He saw an angel that looked like Leah.

"Mama?" said Lucious. " Hello, Dwight." said Leah. He reached out to touch her, & she did the same. " Mama, is it really you?" said Lucious. Leah knodded.

"Mama, who killed you." said Lucious. " I can't tell you. But, what I can tell you is that their more video of the night I died, check all the cameras. &, my killer is closer to you than you think." said Leah.

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