Chapter 30: Game of Fame & Frame......

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 This game is getting more dangerous. A Lyon can kill, but a Lyon can get framed for murder.                                                                                                            - L.L


Next day at EmpireXStream, Hakeem was in the recording studio, spit balling ideas. " Oh, shit. I hate fucking writes block." said Hakeem. Then, Cookie walked in. " Hey, Keem." said Cookie. " Hey, ma." said Hakeem. " Ma, what will happen to us if L.L wins?" said Hakeem. " Look....,Keem. That thought never occured  to me.  But, I know one damn thing. We are gonna take down L.L, the same way we took down the DuBois'. " said Cookie. Then, she & Hakeem got a text from L.L......

Turn on the TV to the news, this is one headline you won't want to miss.    -L.L

Hakeem turned on the TV monitor to the news.

To a female news reporter standing in a field with a red coat on. " Hi. I'm Alison DiLaurentis-Fields. Top news reporter for NYNN ( New York News Now). Here to bring you this special report." said Ali. 

( What do you guys think about my PLL cameo?)

" Our local NYC citizen/ chairwoman, Diana DuBois. Was founded murder at her upper east side estate & here body was brought & hung on a tree in this open field. The autopsy report show that Ms. DuBois, was ridden of her clothing & she was stabbed 17 times & was also killed by suffocation. Looks like the Big Apple has unearthed a killer. I'm Alison DiLaurentis-Fields, reporting live. Back to you in the studio." said Alison.

Cookie turned the TV off & look at Hakeem. "Oh, my god. Somebody murder Diana."  said Hakeem. Then they got another text from L.L.......\

You'll thank me later, Cookie. As long as you play the game my way, you'll get what you want. Disobey me. &, you even up with the blood on your hands.                      -L.L

"Shit. It's like a game of puppet. Do what I say & your free.One mistake & we're all fucked." said Cookie. "  Hell, yeah." said Hakeem.  Cookie slapped Hakeem in  the back of his head as hard as she could. " Ow, Ma." said Hakeem. " Boy, don't you cuss in front of me no more." said Cookie. " Sorry." said Hakeem. Cookie pulled out her phone.



Cookie: Call Jamal, Andre, & Aiden. Meet us at EmpireXStream ASAP.

Lucious: On our way.


A few hours later at EmpireXStream, Lucious was walking through the lobby with a pissed expression on his face as his sons followed.  He went into the recording studio where Hakeem & Cookie were. " What's the emergency, Cook?" said Lucious. Cookie showed L.L the text she & Hakeem got. Lucious pulled his phone out & check his notifications. He saw he got the same text. " L.L is coming for & doesn't care if it's our blood or someone else." said Cookie. " But, every villain has a great weakness. " said Lucious. "So.....what do we do?" said Jamal. " They wanna play hard ball, we throw it back harder." said Aiden. 

"&, that's something we all know how to do." said Lucious.


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