Chapter 21: Higher Stakes That Takes The Cake

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The next morning at the loft.......

In Jamal's room, Jamal woke up & he felt a kiss imprint on his forehead. Then, he peeked his head up from under his covers. He looked around his room & spotted the note from his & Aidan "-A friend" on his dresser. " Hey, Aidan." said Jamal, as he threw a pillow at his brother who was still asleep then he walked over to his dresser.When the piliow hit Aidan's face. He quickly awoke. " What-What's going on?" said Aidan, then he felt his forehead,too. " Someone left a note for both of us."This so isn't L.L" said Aidan, as he read the note. " Why would L.L only help "us"?" said Jamal. " Anything is possible." said Aidan. Jamal & Aidan decided to hide the note in Jamal's bedroom in a book on his bookshelf.

Then, they walked out of his bedroom to a happy & humming Hakeem who was in the kitchen. " What's with the good mood." said Aidan, with a little laugh. " I'm have a son." said Hakeem. " Please don't treat your son, how dad treated us." said Jamal, with an eye roll. " I wouldn't." said Hakeem, as his smile disappeared in a look of seriousness. Then, Hakeem sat on the couch with a bowl of buttered popcorn, a wine glass filled with Pepsi, & the TV  remote. " At least, we can get back to catch & finding out who the hell L.L is." said Jamal." True." said Aidan. " 

(L.L wasn't done with his reign of terror yet)

Later at Lucious' house.......

Cookie was drinking a chocolate milkshake. "Lucious." said Cookie, as she walked into the living room. "Here." said Cookie, handing him another chocolate milkshake she made. " What's the occasion?" said Lucious, with a smile. Cookie & Lucious were drinking their milkshakes when they heard their phones go off it was a text from L.L......

Find out who is next on the kill list or this murder & all the other will make your family into the culprits.                                             -😈L.L😈

"I text Jamal." said Cookie.

_______(iMessage) Jamal_______

Cookie: Where are you?

Jamal: At home.

Cookie: Are your brothers with you?

Jamal: Yeah. What's up?

Cookie: L.L

Jamal: We just got the same text,too.

Cookie: Meet up here.

Jamal: On our way.


At the loft....

" Guys, we gonna get over to dad's." said Jamal. The guys quickly grabbed their coats & left out the loft.

Back at Lucious'.......

Cookie was pacing around the front room. "Cookie, relax." said Lucious. " Don't tell me what the hell do." said Cookie. " I know L.L is playing this deadly ass game with us. But what if it get's out of control. What if we don't make it out together his time." said Cookie. " Remember what you told me, a true Lyon never runs away from what scares them the most. The face it head on." said Lucious. " I remember that moment like it was just yesterday." said Cookie.

(Flashback to when Cookie & Lucious were teenagers)

A quaint hotel room with teenage Cookie sitting on the bed. Then, teenage Lucious walked into the hotel room. " I got some food." said teen Lucious, lying the bag down on the bed. " Lucious, I never asked you. But what are we running from." said young Cookie. " Loretha,  we're running from our past & our problems." said young Lucious. " But, Lucious. A true Lyon never runs away from what scares them the most. The face it head on." said young Cookie. 

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