Chapter 32: Don't Let A Bitch Play God

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The next day at the Lyons estate...

Andre paced back in the living room of the house,as everyone else sat on the couches thinking. " So, many question running through our heads from last night. " said Aiden. " Like,who the hell is Black Widow?" said Cookie. " So, what exactly happened last night again?" said Lucious. " I told you before we went to bed. L.L tried to destroy my fashion show." said Cookie." With the help of Black Widow." said Jamal.

"I noticed something weird about Black Widow in that video footage." said Aiden. "What!!!That she's a 2 faced bitch!!!" said Cookie. "Actually, yes." said Aiden. As he got his tablet off the living room table. Aiden played back the footage of last night and froze on a frame of Black Widow." I didn't mean in it a literal sense." said Cookie.

"Well, the footage is a literal sense." said Aiden." Anyways..." said Jamal, trying to break the drama. " Anyway,Black Widow was wearing a wig." said Aiden. " What?" said Jamal. " I figure that was a wig. A $2 wig for a $2 thot." said Cookie. The Lyons laughed. Then, they got a message from L.L:

Everytime you think you closer. I will knock you asses one of a few steps back. Pick a Lyon and how they die by midnight. -L.L

" Someone's trying to play God." said Jamal. Suddenly, a knock was heard at the front door, Juanita answered the door.

A few seconds later...

Juanita walked into the living room with a medium sized package. "Package for you and the family, Mr.Lyon." said Juanita, as she handed him the box." Thank you, Juanita. Does it say who it's from?" said Lucious. "No, sir." said Juanita. Then, Juanita went upstairs to her room.

"Open it, dad." said Jamal, nervously. Lucious ripped off the package paper to see two small black box with red bowes with the initials L.L written on the boxes.

Lucious opened one box and Cookie opened the other. "What's in them, ma and dad?" said Aiden. " They look like tarot cards." said Lucious. "You mean those cards that fortune tellers use." said Hakeem. Cookie knodded.

Suddenly, Jamal got an L.L text and read it to his family...

The box of tarot cards in Lucious' hand, have all your pictures on them.

The box of tarot cards in Cookie's hand, it's deathly fate.

Pick 1 person, pick 1 death. Don't forget by midnight. -😈L.L😈

Aiden threw his phone on the couch. " I am so over this shit." said Aiden. " All of are.." said Cookie, as she let out a sigh of irritation. Suddenly, Lucious grabbed the boxes with the tarot cards in them and threw them into the fire of the fireplace.

"Pick a card any card, my ass." said Lucious. Little did Lucious or any of the other Lyons know that L.L was watching from his lair the whole time. L.L hack into all the security cameras and system of each of the Lyons home and EmpireXStream.

At L.L's lair.....

"Are you ready to go play a game with Lucious, my love?" said L.L. Black Widow came out dressed like Anika with an exact mask that look like Anika's face. L.L also programmed a voice box into the mask.

"To bad Anika is dead. If looks could kill." said Black Widow as she applied her signature red lipstick. L.L went back over to his computer monitor to watch the live security footage at the Lyons estate.

At the Lyons estate....

"I'm going to EmpireXStream, to plan for the Inferno Reloaded Tour which is in 5 days." said Lucious. " Do want us to come with you?" asked Cookie. " Yes, because the boys have to plan their new songs the gonna perform on this tour." said Lucious.

Back at L.L's lair.....

"Let's make magic happen." said L.L. L.L pulled out a burner phone and held up a voice box which he program it to make him sound like Thirsty.

Calling Lucious......:

L.L (voice-box): Hey, boss. I need to see you in your office right away. There's some angry lawyers here who want to see with you about the Inferno Reloaded Tour.
Lucious: Okay, Thristy. My family and I are on our way to EmpireXStream right now.
L.L (voice-box): Okay see ya then, boss.

Called ended.....

L.L went back to his computer and he hacked the elevators at EmpireXStream. " Once, Lucious steps in the elevator. The doors will close and be jammed shut until he gets to his office. Which you will be waiting for him there." said L.L.

An hour later at EmpireXStream....

The Lyons stormed through the lobby of EmpireXStream to the elevators. "Stay here. I will be right back." said Lucious.  The Lyons were about sit down when Lucious entered the elevator, to which the doors slammed shut. Cookie ran to the elevator and started to press button to open the elevator door. " Lucious!!!The doors are jammed. I can't open it." said Cookie.

"It's fine. I think this was a set up anyway." Lucious yelled, just as the elevator was descending to his office. A loud thump was felt through the elevator when it reach Lucious' office floor. "Hello? Anybody here?" said Lucious. "I've been waiting for you." said Anika. " I thought I killed." said Lucious. " &, I thought you were smart. But looks can be so deceiving." said Anika.

"Look,here. Bitch." said Lucious, as he grabbed her dress. " What if I told you I wasn't Anika?" said Anika. "Okay, not Anika. Who are you?" said Lucious. " That's for me to know, & for you to find out." said Anika. "Look, Lucious. Let's cut to the chase. L.L sent me to deliver a gift and a message to you." said Anika.

"Don't play me, you stupid bitch. What is it?" said Lucious. "Midnight, midnight. Don't think I'm let you slide so easily." said Anika. Then, she handed him a gift....

"Open this when you with your other family members." said Anika. Then, she ran to the window and jumped out. But, she had a get away plane.

Then, the elevator opened again to the Lyons. "Lucious, what happened?" Said Cookie. "Some bullshit." said Lucious.
"Dad, what is that?" said Aidan. " I don't know, but we're gonna find out what it is?" said Lucious.

At L.L's lair.....

L.L had 6 wax figure of the Lyons. He stepped in front of one of them and melted them down. But not all of them, only one. But who?


-More to come on, Empire: 5 Years Forward......

-What do you think L.L has planned for the Lyons especially at midnight?

-What do you think will happen next?

-Comment ideas, theories, or if you want to be mentioned in the next chapter.

-Stay tuned.....

-Love you all my Storytelling Showstoppers, keep reading and supporting and showing love. All of you mean so much to me, and thank you. Keep being amazing and be safe. I love you all.             -Lolos_Stories

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