Chapter 22: Trial & Barrier Of Bad News......

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Later that day at the trial......

The Lyons were dressed awaiting on the judge & Andre to appear. " Where the hell is this judge?"said Cookie, as she looked at the time on her phone which read " 12:30". " Where is Andre?" said Lucious.

At the back of a metal holding truck....

Andre sat at the truck drove down the highway dressed in his suit . He had handcuffs on his wrists as he held a picture of his family in his hands & cried. " I shouldn't have joined L.L." said Andre, as his tears fell on the picture. Then, he looked at his wrist where L.L cut him. Then, he looked in the corner of the truck & saw a little black box with a red bow sitting on the floor. " What the hell?" said Andre, as he wiped the tears from his face. Then, he put the photo in his blazer pocket then he went over to grab the box.

He opened the box, to see two phones. One phone turned on two show a message from L.L:

Karma & Fate can be a bitch, if you don't use it to your advantage. Time to make your last phone call to your family before you don't show up to court. -😈L.L😈

Andre picked up the other phone. Turning it on, he saw it was unlocked. When he went to the contacts all his family members names & numbers were in the phone.

Then he called Cookie.

(Call from 586-784-9028......)

"Who the hell is this?" said Cookie.

Cookie: Hello?

Andre: Ma, it's me Andre.

Cookie: Where are you?

Andre: On my way.

Then, sudden big truck crashed into the drivers of the truck that Andre died in. Both of the driver's instantly bled to death.

Andre: Ma, I think L.L is going to kidnap me. I'm gonna turn the location on this phone on tell Aidan to use his tracking program.

Cookie: Okay. But--

(Call Ended)

"Damnit." said Cookie. " What?" said Hakeem. " L.L gave Andre a phone & when he was about to get kidnapped by L.L." said Cookie." Let's get the hell out of here."said Lucious. Just as the Lyons were about to leave the judge came out of her chamber.

"Excuse me." said the judge, as the Lyons had a look of surprise on their faces. " But, we have a trial to do." said the judge. " Oh, shit." said Cookie.

As the Lyons sat down the judge was preparing for the trial. The Lyons thought of an escape plan.

"Lucious,Jamal, & Aidan, go find Andre." said Cookie. " What about you & Keem?" said Jamal. " We're gonna figure out how to stall the judge & the case." said Hakeem. Then, they all got a text from L.L....

The more time you waste, the more Andre runs out of air. -😈L.L😈

In a unknown location......

Andre awoke in a box but he couldn't open it. Then he got text from L.L....

Switching side. Not good. Time for you to be buried 6 feet under with all your secrets & lies. -😈L.L😈

Andre tried to call his family from the phone L.L gave him but the phone kept saying "No Service". Andre looked around until her noticed as blonde strand of hair peeking from the darkness. Then, when he pulled it. He found out it was the body of his ex wife Rhonda. "SOMEBODY!!!!HELP!!!!!" said Andre, as he screamed through the box & dirt. But, nothing was heard from above.

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