Chapter 8: It Will All Blow Up In Your Face

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The next morning at Hakeem & Jamal's loft, Jamal could tell something was wrong with Hakeem because his hands were shaking as made himself a pot of coffee. " You good, Keem." said Jamal. " Y-yeah." said Hakeem, still shaking in his hands. " Bro, I know something's wrong." said Jamal. " Ok, L.L tried to kill me yesterday." said Hakeem."Oh my god, Keem. How?" said Jamal. " The SUV I was going to use to go to EmpireXStream, L.L planted a bomb in the back seat." said Hakeem. Jamal got up from the kitchen table & grabbed his phone off the counter. " What are you doing?" said Hakeem. " Calling dad & Dre. They gotta know what's going on." said Jamal. " Where's mom?" said Hakeem. " Going back home for her fashion show." said Jamal.  Jamal texted Lucious & Andre.

(Group Chat)

Jamal: We've got an emergency.

Lucious: What's up, son?

Andre: What, bro?

Jamal: L.L, meet us at me & Keem's place.

Lucious: On my way.

Andre: Me too.

On Cookie's plane , Cookie awoke from her blow to the head, to find her missing design draped across her body & her purse left wide open.She grabbed her purse & looked inside to see everything but her flash drive. Then, her phone dinged.....

You really thought I'd let Mama Lyon, slip through the cracks with my flash drive. Think again.           -😈L.L😈

Cookie sighed in frustration, & put her phone back in her purse. She got up from the floor & put her design with the others.

Back at Jamal & Hakeem's loft, Andre & Lucious came in. " What the hell is  emergency?" said Lucious. " L.L tried to kill Keem yesterday." said Jamal. "What?" said Andre. " The SUV that dad sent to pick me up, L.L put a bomb in the back seat." said Hakeem. " What SUV?" said Lucious. Then, all of them got a text from L.L.

Oops, Keem. Wrong number. But, one Lyon will have something blow up in their face almost like Hakeem. See you soon.              -😈L.L😈

"What the hell?" said Andre. Hakeem texted back L.L.

Hakeem: Try us, you scared little bitch.

L.L: You & your family's fate is sealed.

Hakeem: Bring it, bitch

" Keem, what did you just do?" said Jamal. " To kill the beast, we have to kill it before it kills us." said Hakeem." What?" said Andre. " He means, we have to kill L.L, before he kills one of us." said Lucious. " & we have to have our guard up at all time without seeming obvious." said Jamal.  Just then, Jamal got a text from Cookie.

(Cookie & Jamal Texting)

Cookie: Hey, Mal.  

Jamal: Hey, Ma.

Cookie: I was wondering if my boy would model in my fashion show for me & bring your "savage beast", too.

("Savage Beast" refers to Lucious.)

"Cookie, wants us to model in her fashion show. Who's up for it?" said Jamal. "Sure." said Hakeem. " Me too." said Andre. " Whatever..." said Lucious.

The guys took an EmpireXStream private jet, to the fashion show.

Later that night at Cookie's fashion show, " Ladies & gentleman, sista & brothas, I am proud to announce my new line, " Cookie Couture"." said Cookie, on her beautiful well lit stage. The first model to walk out was Hakeem, then Andre, then Lucious. But, when it was Jamal's turn. He went out on stage, & one of the pyrotechnic cannons went off & burnt Jamal, but only his arm with 3rd degree burns.

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