Chapter 25: Adoption,Secret, & Kidnapped? What's Next?

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4 weeks later.....

Jamal was healing up smoothly but he had to walk with crutches, because the accident fractured a couple of bones in his ankle. But more or less, he was finally home with his brothers & his parents would check on him every other day.

Aiden was secretly searching for Andre. Without, telling his family members.

Things had died down the past couple of weeks of Jamal's healing process. " Hey, Aiden. Do me a favor. Search up all the adoption agency in the NYC district." said Jamal. " Already did it." said Aiden. "What ya working on?" said Jamal. " An article for a newspaper. I got a job for yesterday." said Aiden, who was lying to his brother, but was really working on finding Andre.

He couldn't shake the feeling of knowing his brother was alive somewhere screaming for help. " Hey, Mal. Do you ever get the feeling that Andre could be alive somewhere?" said Aiden. " Yeah." said Jamal.

Then, Hakeem came from out of his bedroom. As soon as he walked into the living room, his brothers went silent. " Hey, Mal. How you feeling?" said Hakeem. " Getting better." said Jamal. " So, who's ready to go check out this adoption agency with mom & dad?" said Hakeem. Both, of the brothers smiled then Hakeem ran back into his room.

"Have you noticed anything off about Hakeem lately?" said Aiden. " Kinda, I saw him looking at pictures of me, you, his, & Andre a couple of days ago. Maybe he was just homesick from his trip." said Jamal. " Homesick, my ass. All this week he's gone from scared to happy. Plus, we've been together for a few months!" said Aiden.

Hakeem was secretly listening to their conversation from around the corner, then he started to cry. Then, he walked back into his room without them noticing he was there or that he left.

In Hakeem's room......

Hakeem lied in his bed crying. Then, he noticed the picture of him & his 3 older brothers on his nightstand in a picture frame. Then, he wiped his face. Grabbed the picture frame with the photo inside. He looked a their faces with anger & sadness then he smashed the picture frame onto the floor. Which send pictures of shattered glass scattering across the floor with shattered pieces of the picture frame.

Aiden & Jamal heard the noise of the glass break. Suddenly, they ran into Hakeem's room. Then, Hakeem fell to his knees & started to cry all over again.

" Keem? Are you okay?" said Jamal, as he & Aiden rushed over to their brother." It's just I...I...I feel like we're losing the battle with L.L, I mean we already lost Andre." said Hakeem. " Keem, don't say that when we're together as a family. We can win any battle." said Jamal, wiping the tears from his cheeks. Suddenly, the Lyons got a text from L.L:

Sorry, to kill this heartwarming moment,but go to the adoption agency tonight or someone else will die all because of your stupidity. Don't push my wrong button.         -😈L.L😈

" We're going tonight." said Jamal. " But you're not going anywhere, Jamal." said Aiden. " Alright. But tap into the security cameras so I can keep any eye out for any funny business tonight , okay?" said Jamal. " Hey, Keem. Remember that time you wanted to sneak out to a party, but you were grounded for bad grades & wanted me & Dre to cover for you?" said Jamal.

(Flashback begins)

In the kitchen of the Lyons' house with the Lyon brothers as teens.....

Jamal & Andre were in the kitchen making homemade pizza.  Then, Hakeem ran into the kitchen. " Aye, yo. Can y'all cover for me tonight this super thick & sexy girl named  Alisha invited me to a super lit party that she throwin' tonight." said Hakeem. " Keem, last time I checked. Your ass was grounded." said Jamal with a giggle. " Mal's right. Dad said no phone until your next report card & no parties. How the hell do you fail earth science?" said Andre. " Fuck earth science. I'm more focused on my rhymes & getting dad to sign me to Empire." said Hakeem. 

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