Chapter 9: You Look Good In Handcuffs......

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A few weeks later, the Lyons are back home in NYC with Jamal feeling much better. Jamal was planning he & Philip's wedding. But, all the Lyons got the same invitation via mail.

| You are invited to attend the                   wedding  
| Of : Anika Calhoun & Shyne Johnson
   On May, 7 at 12:00pm.

On the back of the invitation, was a message from L.L.

Do what I say at the wedding tomorrow or you'll be leaving in handcuffs or a body bag.         -😈L.L😈

" L.L is using us as his own personal puppets." said Andre. "Or dolls." said Jamal.  Jamal picked up his phone & texted L.L.


Jamal: Your game, but our rules.

L.L: Acceptable.

Jamal: No funny business.

L.L: Ok. But I get to make each of you do what I what.

Jamal: YOUR game, OUR rules.

L.L: We'll see.


" Guys, have your complete guard up at this wedding?" said Jamal. " &, be ready for anything.". said Hakeem. " It's our turn to fight back." said Lucious.

The next day at Cookie's loft,

Cookie was wearing a white pencil dress. She was doing her makeup. Until, she got a text from L.L.

Game time, mama Lyon.      -😈L.L😈

Cookie: Game on, bitch.

Cookie grabbed her phone & her clutch off of her makeup table & put on her white stilettos. Then, she left for the wedding.

At the wedding, the Lyons took an SUV to the church. "So, what's​ the plan?" asked Jamal. " Do what L.L says, then trap the son of a bitch." said Lucious. " What if L.L is one step ahead of us." said Andre. " We'll be ready." said Cookie. The SUV pulled up to the wedding, the Lyons stepped out in their white outfits.

An hour later, the ceremony was still going on with joy, until Lucious got a text from L.L.

Stop the wedding. Or one of your family member leaves in a body bag.

Lucious showed the other Lyons the text. "It's game time, then." said Andre. " I wonder why L.L keeps talking about body bags." said Jamal. " We might find out later." said Hakeem. " Everyone keep your guard up & keep your phone on & with you." said Lucious.

"If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your piece." said the minister. Lucious stood up, " I object." said Lucious. "Lucious, what the hell are you doing?" said Anika. Lucious got another text from L.L.

Go up to Anika & kiss her, or lose your Cookie forever.                  -😈L.L😈

Lucious looked at Cookie, then he walked up on to Anika & kiss her. Everyone in the audience was in shock, even Shyne & Anika. " Anika, I love you." said Lucious, making his lie sound believeable. " Lucious, I--." said Anika, who was cutting off by Shyne. " Yo, Lucious." said Shyne, who punched Lucious in the nose.  Lucious touched his nose to see if he was bleeding, but nothing. " Yo, Shyne. You punch like a little bitch." said Lucious, punching Shyne out cold. Then, Cookie got a text from L.L.

This was my work. If, your family wants to find Leah's killer​ look in the woods. But, before you go there's a surprise waiting for you in the truck of the SUV.                             -😈L.L😈

"We gotta go. I'll get Lucious." said Cookie. The boys walked out the church & Cookie grabbed Lucious. Outside the church, Cookie opened the trunk if the SUV to find.....

-A shovel

-A picture of Leah

-A note from L.L

The note said, " Hurry, Lyons. Someone is  running out of air." The Lyons' ran into the woods which was located behind the church. "Hurry." said Jamal. "Somebody help me!" said a voice in the distance. " I hear someone." said Hakeem. "We all do, boy." said Cookie.

The Lyons stopped a the open field of the woods. Jamal noticed something laying on the ground." Jamal, what's up?" asked Hakeem. " It's a tape recorder." said Jamal, as he picked up the tape recorder which keep playing someone saying " Somebody help me" on loop. Jamal pressed stop. Then, all the Lyons got a text from L.L.

"X" marks the spot, find out what hides beneath the dirt.            -😈L.L😈

Cookie looked around & noticed a dirt patch with a big red "X" painted on it. " Over there." said Cookie, pointing to the dirt patch.

The Lyon started to dig, then when they could see more. Jamal noticed someone's mouth. "There's someone down there. Keep digging." said Jamal.
They kept digging until they seen the face. " Oh my god....." said Hakeem. " It's Tariq." said Cookie. Yes, Tariq (Lucious' half brother) was murdered a few days before the wedding & was buried & on that dirt patch. Then, they got another text from L.L.

Looks like Tariq couldn't make it to the wedding. But, I'm not the one the police will find at his grave.         -😈L.L😈

The Lyons heard police sirens & a police copper come towards. " Step away from their & slowly put your hands up." said a male cop. The Lyon did what was asked.

Later at the police station , " Tell, Jamal. Why were you & your family messing with the bury sites of Tariq?" said another male cop. " We were sent there by someone, we didn't know what we would find." said Jamal. "Who?" said the cop. " We don't know. I told you the truth, now can you please let me go now." said Jamal.  The cop opened the door.

He headed back into the room where the rest of his family was stilling with dirt spots on their clothes. Jamal sat down then a monitor in the room flashed. Then, a message from L.L.

You played this game well. But, MY GAME is still going but this time with MY RULES.            -😈L.L😈

"We'll be ready." said Jamal.

-Sorry for it being so short & no Cookie & Lucious moments.

-Next few chapters be ready for anything ready for anything.


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