Chapter 19: A Baby On The Way & Wedding That Doesn't Have A Groom.

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That same day........

It took at least an 2 to 3 hour for the private jet to reached the hospital ( Bella texted Hakeem the hospital they were at). When the helicopter landed, Hakeem ran into the hospital. He ran to the receptionist desk. " Hi, I'm here to see Tiana Lyon. I'm her husband," said Hakeem, as his family also walked up to the receptionist desk. " Grandma!!" yelled Bella, who was in the kids area of the waiting room when she spotted Cookie. Bella ran up to Cookie & hugged her. " Mrs. Tiana Lyon, was sent to Room 131 of our pregnancy wing. I'll escort you." said the receptionist. " Thank you." said Hakeem, as he & his family walked with the nurse." I'm sorry. But your family has to stay  down here." said the receptionist. " It's fine. We'll just stay down here with Bella." said Jamal." Son, Go." said Lucious. Hakeem followed the receptionist to the wing.

A few minutes later, Hakeem ran into Tiana's room dressed in hospital scrubs . " Bae, I'm here." said Hakeem. Tiana was lying on a hospital with doctors & nurses around her. " Ok, Mrs. Lyon. Push on 3." said the doctor. " 1....2....3. Push." said another doctor. Tiana pushed with all her strength, she was in so much pain. She was sweating, crying, & screaming with her hair in a bun & with a little bit of makeup on. " Good. Again on 3. Okay?" said the nurse.  "1....2....3. Push' said the doctor. Tiana pushed again. " Mrs. Lyon. You doing great keep pushing, okay. I see the baby's head." said the doctor. "1.....2....3. Push." said the doctor. Tiana pushed so hard that the baby's head came out first. " Keep pushing, bae." said Hakeem, then he ran over to her & held her hand. Tiana looked up to see Hakeem holding her Hakeem, he removed his surgery mask from his face & smiled at her. She smiled back at him, then she kept trying to pushed the back out. 

A half an hour later.....

When the baby was finally out, both Hakeem & Tiana cut his umbilical cord together. Then, the doctors cleaned the baby up & wrap him in a blanket.  " Congratulations. Mr & Mrs Lyon, it's a boy. " said the doctor, putting him in Tiana's arm. " Thank you." said Tiana, with a smile." Think of any baby names, bae?" said Hakeem." What about the name Jordan?" said Tiana. " I was think Myles." said Hakeem. " Myles? But, what would his middle name be?" said Tiana." I don't know." said Hakeem. "I think it should be, Jordan Myles Lyon." said Tiana. " I like it. But I already put our a song saying his name is Myles." said Hakeem. " Your album hasn't been released yet. So just changed one verse." said Tiana.

Then, the doctor came back in with a smile on his face. " We are happy to inform you that you can take your baby home tonight. &, Mr. Lyon we will send you family up." said the doctor. "Thank you." said Hakeem, with a smile.

A few minutes later.....

The Lyons saw Hakeem & Tiana's baby. " Hey, Keem. What's his name?" said Aidan. " Jordan Myles Lyon." said Hakeem. " Oh. T & Bella, this is Jamal's twin brother, Aidan." said Hakeem. Aidan waves to Bella & gave Tiana a hug. " Congratulations." said Aidan. "Thank you." said Tiana. "Thanks, bro. I'm spent tonight with my family & you guys can stay in our guest rooms." said Hakeem.

A few hours later......

The all the Lyons went to Hakeem's house. " Where's the guest bedrooms?" said Jamal. " Down that hallway." said Hakeem, pointing down one hallway. When each Lyon entered their bedrooms they saw the wall were painted white with dangling chandeliers , huge king sized beds with white blankets, pillows, & sheets & a brown wooden headboard with a white walk-in closet. Then, when you went to the guest bathrooms. Then wall were also white, with a white marble bath & shower built-in, a porcelain white toilet & a giant wooden cabinet with a white marble counter & porcelain white sink. " These bedrooms are amazing." said Cookie. Then,they housekeeper came upstairs. "Hello. I am Melinda Torrez." said the housekeeper. "Hi." said Aidan, with a warm smile.

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