Chapter 1

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Snow days, a nice time to stay indoors and enjoy being lazy together with family and friends. Or, if you're like me you would have locked yourself inside your room. Hey, I like my family and Victor, but sometimes you need time by yourself.

Yawning, I finally woke up to the sound of my family downstairs. Usually I would be grumpy but today I woke up fully and was ready to start the day.

"What time is it?" I asked aloud, grabbing my phone from the sheet covered mattress. The time wasn't too bad, it was before noon so it's not like I wasted my whole day sleeping. I put on my glasses that fell on the floor while I as sleeping, I guess I moved around a lot last night.

I took a seat at my desk, my laptop already opened from the night before. I woke up the devise from it's slumber and logged in. My usual social media was the first thing I thought about checking and then maybe after watching some Netflix. As I was deciding what to check first, I felt a chill go down my spine that started to spread to the rest of my body. Since I realized that I was cold, I turned on the heater from it's tiny wireless remote.

Feeling of warm air hitting my bare feet from my small heater underneath my desk felt so good compared to the freezing air outside. The breeze made me want to just want to lay my feet on the grills until the temperature was too much to bare.

I scrolled through Instagram on my laptop like what I would usually do. Everything was normal, Phichit uploaded new selfies with some of his local friends and that was practically the only thing that stood out. Other than that, it was pretty boring.

All that changed, however, when I decided to reload the page to see what was new for today. It started off with one picture of Victor and I. It was a pretty normal picture, just the two of us hanging out at a coffee shop. But as I kept scrolling I realized that same picture kept showing up. It was the only thing I saw.

"What's going on?" I asked puzzled by the reposts of the exact same picture. To find out I clicked on the comments on one of the photos. As I looked through all the comments I realized what was happening.

'Is it supposed to be a date?'

'Yuri is so lucky!'

'But Victor has had several girlfriends. Is he bi?'

'I knew something was going on between them!'

And those were actually just a few out of the thousands. Almost instantly I saw the connection between all the comments, they were all about Victor and I dating. Getting frustrated with all these people misunderstanding the meaning of the photo, I closed my computer and decided to go down stairs to get something to eat. I needed to get my mind off things so I wouldn't freak out.

I grabbed my phone and walked to the kitchen. While walking I decided to check Facebook as I did. And again, the only thing was that same gosh darn picture! Okay, screw lunch, I gotta know what the heck is going on with people think this.

"Victor!" Clenching onto my cellular device, I dashed my way to Victor's room. His door was closed, so I repeatedly knocked on his door that I could hear him walking over to open it. Even the sliding of the door seemed like so long for it to open.

"Yuri, you're finally up! I wanted to wake you up, but I couldn't bring myself to do it." He pulled me into a hug, which also made me rush into his room. The squeezing of the hug was something that wasn't intolerable, it was actually something that didn't really bother me. "Is there a reason why you came to my room so suddenly?"

I slithered out one of my arms from the snug hug, showing him the extreme amount of reposts. "They're saying that we're dating. It's really weird. Do you know how that even started?" I clicked my phone off, my arm lowering back down to my side. His face still seemed like his giddy self, it seemed like it didn't even faze him.

"Oh , yes I know. I'm the one that confirmed it!" He said in the most cherry way, squeezing me more.

"Wait, what?!"

The Internet Thinks We're Dating! (Victuri)Where stories live. Discover now