Chapter 10

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Wood creaking, I lazily walked down the stairs. Victor said that he'll be downstairs and since there was nothing to do I decided to join him on whatever he was doing. I couldn't find him anywhere, so I decided to ask mom where he had gone.

Sitting there, she sewed back and forth. Her embroidery wasn't perfect but it was beautiful nonetheless. She felt my presence, as I walked over to sit with her.

"Hey mom, where's um, Victor at?" I sat down next to her on the comfortable tatami flooring. "I can't really find him anywhere."

"He said that he'll be out for a bit." I nodded, curious of where he went off to. But it was his business so I guess i shouldn't want to ask where.

It was warm for the first time in a while with the wind mostly still. There were only a few clouds in the sky, the baby blue sky showing off its beautiful color.

'Maybe I could go outside and get some sun.' I thought to myself, looking around for Makk-chan so I can take him along.

It'll be a lot more fun with some company than being alone. Usually Victor would be that someone but I have no idea where he was at the moment.

"Mother, I'm gonna go out to the front with Makk-chan. If you need anything just yell for me." She waved me off, her kind smile giving off the most pleasant aura.

I grabbed my shoes from the front door and slipped on. Make-chan was already behind me from hearing me say his name earlier. He never runs off too far so I didn't bother putting on his leash.

"Okay Makk-chan, let's go have sun fun in the sun I guess." I opened the door and he instantly jumped outside, happy to be outside to get the sun.

I walked out, making sure the door behind me was closed before going anywhere. There wasn't much to do out in the front but I didn't feel like going anywhere else.

Sitting down on the bench near the house, I pet Makkachin's ears. Though petting him the whole time, whenever I stopped he would beg for more. I guess that's what a normal dog does, begs for pets and to play.

A gust of wind blew towards us pushing my hair back, it tangling together with petals that flew in the air. The warm rays of the sun hit my face, making it almost feel like tiny little kisses on my cheeks. The weather was so perfect that I wish it could be like it everyday.

Though nice, staring at nothing started to get boring pretty fast. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, pulling up Instagram. The tree painted with several petals looked so beautiful that I decided to take a quick snap of it and post it.

"Yuri!~" I didn't get the chance to check the comments, instead I put my phone away and see who it was that called me. Turning around, I saw Victor jogging over with him obviously hiding something behind his back.

I turned around halfway, holding the back of the bench to see him. "Hey Victor, where did you go?" Asking felt a little weird since it shouldn't really matter to me at all. And for some reason I really did want to know anyway.

He walked over and sat next to me, hiding whatever he had easily. "I got you something, but I want you to guess what it is before I give it to you." I don't think guessing is something easy, I mean, it could be anything.

"Okay." I situated myself so I was sitting sideways so I didn't have to turn my head. "Um, is it...I don't even know. " We both laughed at how silly the game was.

"Okay, I'll just give it to you then!" I felt excitement as I watched him pull the present from behind his back.

There, standing in front of me, beautiful red roses. But in the middle was something that I didn't expect. A blue painted roses with hint of pink splashes.

"Victor, they're beautiful." I lifted my hand to touch one of the petals. That soft texture felt so soft that it may be barely there.

Thinking about it, it may be a little weird to get roses from another man. But thinking about it as a coach rewarding his student made it seem more normal.

"I was hoping you would say that! Please, take them." He said, that usual smile on his face as he pushed them towards me. I gladly accepted, cringing a bit to the crinkling of the plastic wrapping.

"Thank you, there very beautiful." Looking into his eyes, I could tell that he was happy that I accepted them. Of course I would, I'm not some monster who would crush someone's feelings.

"I'm so glad." He said, playing with my hair that was blown into my face.

"Hey Victor, how about we post this on Instagram?" Knowing everything that had happened with the app, Victor seemed excited for the idea. He shuffled around trying to get his phone out of his pocket.

"Okay." He opened his camera, aiming it towards me. "Say cheese!!~"

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