Chapter 7

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Ice, almost like crystals floating around sparkling liquid. The sounds of the frozen ice clinked onto the glass as I played with my straw.

We decided to go to some local diner. Victor wanted something more fancy but I begged for a local spot instead. It was a western style, you could pretty much feel the difference in atmosphere when you walk in.

It's been a couple of days since the interview and we finally decided to go out to eat like we talked about. It was the warmest day of the week so far and for it being winter it was a big relief.

I decided to wear a dark green sweater, light blue jeans and my usual tennis shoes. Though I don't usually wear them, I decided to wear a beanie. Though I took a little bit of time to choosing what I should wear, my hair was messy with pieces of hair in different directions.

I was a little conscious of my appearance, even though Victor told me it was fine. There was no way I could, since he was pretty much dressed to impress even though I was the only one.

"Can I get you guy's order?" The waitress's voice snapped me back to reality. I looked over at Victor who was smiling at me, his expression telling me that I can order first.

"Oh, umm.." I played with one of the laminated menu's corner. With all the time dozing off I didn't have time to look at the menu.

"We'll both just have the Brunswick Stew*." Victor said in substitute for me. She wrote down what he said before taking our menus and leaving.

I looked back at Victor, feeling a lot better with out having a stranger around. "Thanks."

"No, I just watched you as you were thinking. I should've nudged you or something but I just loved watching." I rolled my eyes in a joking way, a smile on my face so he could see that I wasn't annoyed.

"Stop being a nerd and drink your drink." We both laughed, the playful atmosphere felt very calming against everything that happened and was said.

"No, you have the glasses." He added, pointing towards his eyes. "Isn't the American television stereotypes have the nerdy, smart one that always have glasses?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I a nerd." Joking around was easier that it used to. It didn't feel as forces and it felt like I'm more open.

I sipped my drink, the cold fizzy drink helped my dry throat. It felt so refreshing that I finished it so quickly.

"Wow, Thirsty?" Victor chuckles as he sipped on his tea, giving me a wink in the process.

"Shut up."


Short because of writers block. Can't really think of anything to write recently. I hope I'll be able to do more soon.

*Brunswick Stew was just a random thing I found and thought looked good. 😂😂 Since I also made it a western style restaurant so I didn't want the food to not match that theme.

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