Chapter 5

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After we visited the café, we went home without another word. I handed mom the groceries from the supermarket and helped her put them away before walking to my bedroom.

There's was nothing else I wanted to do then change into pajamas and lie in bed. Plaid, baby blue pajama pants and a black tee shirt was what I decided to wear for bed. The softness of the mattress felt like I was laying on a cloud.

I shimmied myself into my blanket, wrapping it around myself into a burrito. The cold soon left and warmth from my own body heat trapped itself from inside the blanket.

Thankfully, my phone was in arms reach so I could entertain myself. I opened SnapChat, looking over at everybody's stories. Not much was on there though, but it could be said that I don't have a lot of friends so it can't be helped.

I didn't really dare to look at Instagram so I turned off my phone and put it away. Instead I just snuggled into my blankets and slowly started fading into slumber.

A sound made me jolt awake as I heard my bedroom door turned open. My eyes stayed closed, my heart pounding a bit not sure who it was. Though through process of elimination it was most likely Victor since he has a history of wanting to sleep with me.

It was odd for him to come in my room knowing what happened earlier. But again, he's Victor so I can't really go on that.

My heart kept beating loudly as I heard the sound of bare footsteps get closer. I gripped the blankets, slowly pulling them closer as I tried my best to act asleep.

Silent chuckling could be heard and it confirmed it was Victor. It was comforting sound to know that some weirdo didn't break in and was staring at me.

Hands touching my face, as he gripped onto my glasses and gently pulled them off. Okay, I'm a idiot for sleeping in them I can admit. I gave a mental 'thank you' as he took them off which made my face feel a lot better.

Victor sat beside me on the bed staying very still. He would usually lay beside me as fast as he could but this time it was different. Before I could wonder what he was doing, through my eyes a flash of light came from no where.

'Did he...just take a picture of me?' I thought, trying to realize why he would do that. Just to look at, or something?

He then, finally, decided to enter the blanket with me. It made the warmth seem to double which felt even better and more exciting. "Sorry Yuri, forgive me?" Victor asked as he brushed back my hair in a carefree way.

"Say Yuri, I really do think you're adorable. Do you think we could date for real? That would be fun." He pulled me closer when he wrapped his arm around my waist.

'Fun?' I asked to myself. The only thing I've thought about in dating was kissing and stuff like that. Having fun was a second thought, going to the movies or laughing together while making a mess in the kitchen...wouldn't that also be considered fun?

"Goodnight, Yuri."

The chirping of birds were the first things I hear to wake me up. Their singing put me in a peaceful mood as I tried to move around. I couldn't really move, it felt like I was being constricted by my waist.

Groaning, I opened my eyes unhappy to do so. My mood changed one hundred when I saw Victor's face so close to mine. All of what happened last night, what he said, came back into mind.

I didn't want to wake Victor up now did I want to move. Laying there, I watched as he slept. His bright blue eyes were shut and, to be honest, I wanted to see the stunning color.

If I could, I would've wanted to stay in bed forever. But, alas, my bladder told me to go to the bathroom. Try as I may, I couldn't get out of Victor's grasp so I decided to shake him to move.

Shaking him, he groaned as he stretched like a cat. It was kind of silly seeing his hair fall onto his face as he did. While he was waking up, I was wondering if I should say anything about last night. No, it was probably too soon.

"Good morning, Yuri." I didn't realize that he was looking at me as well. "Did you sleep well, sorry I came in last night. It was getting a little lonely last night so I decided to come in." I shrugged not knowing what else to say.

"It's fine, I guess." Sitting up, I rubbed the gunk out of my eyes. "I need to go to the bathroom."

Though I said that, he went and followed me. I closed the bathroom door before he could enter, locking the door so I was sure of my privacy.

Drying my hands by shaking them in the air, I walked outside to hear Victor calling for me from the living room.

It usually was something unimportant so I decided to stroll along. When I made it to the living room, it looked as if Victor just got off the phone. I went and sat next to him without think twice.

"Ah, Yuri, I just got a call from some a news company who want to have an interview with us. Yes it's about our 'relationship', but it will be great to get your name out there." His cheerful voice pretty much sing those words as he patted me on the back.

I know he was doing this to help me out, but what he told me about relationships being fun last night. It actually interested me, to be honest.

"Okay, I guess we could do the interview." He cheered ad he messaged the people to confirm out interview. I smiled as I watched him as he typed away. His glee filled faced made me want to smile along with him.

"Victor, what would've happened if I said yes yesterday?" I asked as I stared at my sock covered feet. "I-I'm just wondering."

He rubbed his neck, thinking it over. "Well, I probably would've kissed you." I felt my face turned completely bright red that even my ears had a hint of the color.

"I just want to have fun." He looked at me confused, unsure of what I meant but I couldn't second guess myself anymore.

I gripped the cloth from his shoulder. Pulling him, I hovered my lips above his cheek. Yeah, second guessing myself was still a thing.

"Yuri, um I didn't really expect this and this might be bad timing. But I wanted to apologize for posting a sleeping picture of you last night on Instagram. And it may or may not be going viral right now." Without hesitation, I pushed him away with I upset all over my face. The red becoming even more visible.

"What the heck?!"

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