Chapter 8

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Nothing happened out of the ordinary afterwords. Rumors died down and we just finished the competition in China. But that doesn't mean  I had to relax, the next competition would come fast.

Sunlight hitting the bedsheets, the warmth felt comforting against my skin. Subconscious of the heat, the hair on my arms rose and goosebumps began to slowly appear. Half asleep, in a snail's pace I tried to move closer to the heat.

Getting closer to the heat of the sun took longer than expected. I reluctantly opened my eyes the least I could do without them still being closed.

I kept my head on my pillow, not even moving my head as I looked at the wall of the bedroom. My body was held into place by something strong and warm holding onto my waist without any indication of letting go.

Even my legs had a hard time moving, something tangled in between them. At this time, I already realized that I had Victor in the the bed with me.

There was nothing to do today, we could do whatever we want. It was a lazy day. Just the feeling of happiness since I didn't have to wake up early and could stay in the bed all day.

Suddenly Victor moved around, grumbling was saying that he was waking up. His body moves closer Victor's breath hitting my neck.

"Good morning, Yuri."  I hummed in response turning around to see  his chest closer than what I figured it would be.

"Victor, you got to stop sleeping in my bed naked." I pushed his chest with my hand, sitting up with my arm being almost a support beam.

I watched him as he sat up as well, the blanket falling slightly and covering his lap. "I'm not completely naked, I'm wearing sleeping pants." He cheerfully pulled off the blanket, showing his black pajama pants.

Even though saying it I still covered my face with my hands out of instinct. We both laughed, probably out of awkwardness, probably not.

"Oh God, just get a shirt on." He agreed and started scooting off the bed. I followed him off, and went over to the closet to find something comfortable to wear. "And tell me when u want to sleep together, you could've walked in and something awkward could have happened." I grabbed a random black sweater and gray sweat pants, tossing them onto the bed.

"Are you trying to say that you were doing something last night?" He asked nonchalantly, adding a wink as he picked up his t-shirt off the ground and put it on.

"N-no, I'm just saying." I cleared my throat, hating the feeling when I stutter. "I'm not like that." He smiled, I guess seeing it a little funny.

"You mean you're not a normal man in his twenties?" He laughed it off, waving me off as he left for me to get dressed on my own. "I'll be in the living room."

"That's not what I meant..." I looked back at my clothes on the bed..."I'm a normal man in my twenties. I can rub one out if I wanted to...."

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