Angel Wings: The Soulless Angel

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This edition first published in 2014

Copyright © Asuna6 2014

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any person or entity, including internet search engines or retailers, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying(except under the statutory exceptions provisions of the Australian Copyright Act 1968), recording, scanning or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of Asuna Yuki.

Author: Yuki, Asuna 2000-

Title: Angel Wings: The Soulless Angel

Edition: 1st ed.

Target Audience: For High School Age

For My



The one year old girl reached out for the snow that was falling. All snuggled up in her bundle. Short, straight raven black hair kept her little head warm. Brown curious eyes searched the grey sky for something, anything to gaze at in wonder. She sneezed as the snow fell onto her nose. A young woman with long blonde hair walked up to the bundled up child. Her ice blue eyes looked warmly at the child. The woman was wrapped up in dark grey hooded cloak.

"Oh my, you poor thing." She cooed. The baby girl giggled and reached up to the woman with tiny arms. The woman picked up the child with delicate, yet experienced hands. The woman wiser beyond the youth she portrayed. She let the baby grip her hand. The baby girl had an iron grip.

"Your a strong little girl." The woman wrapped the baby girl in her cloak. The baby girl fell asleep in the woman's loving embrace. The beautiful woman trudged through the snow, carrying the child. The woman carried the child all the way to her coven.

When the woman reached the stone path to the entrance of the coven, she walked on certain stones. Being very careful not to step on the booby trapped stones. Once passed the treacherous path she continued to walk to the coven. The coven was a large metal building, with giant arch ways and designs on the walls. As tall as a four storey building, the coven reached high into the clouded dark sky. Two stone statues reached into the sky. Two angels, one female, one male. They looked like two assassins with wings. Only if you looked real hard could only then you could see there was a third angel. One pinned to a cross, her wings wide spread but, restrained by nails in her wings and her feet. The cross was held by the other two angels hands. Stone tears were on the third angels face. An inscription was under the two angels that held up the third. They read, dedicated to the Soulless Angel whom fights against the evil that wants to open Hells Gate. As the woman straightened her posture and entered, the guards bowed in respect.

"Lady Night." They all said as they bowed respectfully. Lady Night nodded her head in acknowledgement of their respectful gesture. Lady Night took the child to her room. She placed the child on her bed and went to go ask one of the guards to bring a cot to her room. When she went to go ask the guard, the tiny hand of the child stopped her. The baby girl still had a grip on Lady Night's finger. Lady Night smiled and picked up the child, holding her in her embrace. Lady Night held the child while she asked the guard to collect a cot for her. The guard left upon her orders. He brought the cot into Lady Night's room.

"Tell no one of this." Lady Night hissed at the guard. The guard nodded and left to go back to his post. Lady Night nursed the child.

"You don't have a name yet, do you? Hmm, I'll name you Airi. I shall train you in the arts of assassination but, no one must know you exist, for they'll surely kill you." Lady Night said to the child now known as Airi. Airi snuggled into Lady Night.

Six years later

Airi, now seven years old was reading her favourite prophecy book. The book of the Soulless Angel. She had memorised and read the book so many times she could recite every word with out any difficulty. The prophecy goes:

Child born from emptiness, alone from the start. Disaster follows her every where. Weaves a web of friendship, a magic connection that no one understands. Screams of pain summon uncontrollable strength. Never has her own soul but, takes parts of others souls, creating a powerful creature. Losing precious family and friends can kill. Great strength only for those worthy. Alone from the start and alone to the end if Hell of humanity is released but, cannot be alone if it is stopped before the gates of hell open. Open there eyes and they'll awaken.

Airi read in her head when she heard the guards yell.

"Everyone evacuate and take all the weapons you can!"the guards yelled. Airi waited in her 'mothers' room. Lady Night came in and cuddled Airi.

"Mummy, what's going on?" Airi asked in a small voice.

"Nothing dear, just follow me and remember your training, try to make yourself a shadow." Lady Night instructed. Airi nodded and wrapped her black cloak around her. A helicopter was heard hovering outside. The military had found the assassins coven and were planning to bomb it. One of the charges went off, making some daggers fly. One of the daggers flew and hit Lady Night in the back. She took in a sharp breath.

"What's wrong mummy?" Airi asked in a soft and worried voice.

"Nothing Airi. Just keep walking." Lady Night told her. She continued walking to the exit. A beam that held up the ceiling, fell down in front of them, blocking their path with fire and smoke. The smoke made it harder for Lady Night. She spotted a way out. Lady Night grabbed Airi's hand and pulled her to the window. Lady Night opened the window and picked Airi up. Lady Night jumped from the two storey building, landing it in one easy flawless motion.

Lady Night ran, holding Airi tightly. Another explosion went off, pushing them to the ground. Airi was pushed into a dead tree by the explosion. Airi was knocked unconscious. Tears streaked down Lady Night's face. She had cared and cherished her times with Airi but, to protect her she would have to erase Airi's memory of her. Lady Night embraced her and said the chanting words.

"I take these memories into my mind, leaving a empty place in your heart and mind. Let these memories leave you until you are ready to learn them once again." Lady Night chanted. Just before lady Night died, she placed a dagger, of unique origins, twin pistols and a whip all in Airi's cloak. The last thing Lady Night gave to Airi was her cloak and kiss on the cheek. Lady Night passed away after she gave the last of her gifts to Airi. The cloak she had given to Airi, kept her alive, warm and almost impossible to see to those who wanted to harm her.

A man of the coven limped from the trees and saw Lady Night dead. He had black hair and red eyes. The man gritted his teeth and ran over to her. He shook her lightly to see if she was asleep, he felt for a pulse which had long stopped. He searched her pockets for something, anything. He found a single note.

The note read:

You will never find her, I know the person who finds my body will be the one who told the military of the covens location. Your a traitor to the oath you took. A traitor to the coven. She is gone. I know you've been watching us for sometime now. You may find her again but, she won't be so easy to catch anymore. If you harm her, I will haunt you until your dying dies.

"You fool. No matter where that child goes, she cannot defy her fate." The man laughed. The man shook his head and picked up Lady Night's lifeless body and carried it away, with out even once noticing the unconscious child.

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