Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

When the plane landed, Jason and Airi went back to her contacts hotel. They were greeted by the staff and they walked to their room. Airi took in a deep breath then collapsed onto the couch. Jason laughed and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Jason, I want cotton candy!" Air said playfully.

"Here." Jason said chucking Airi the cotton candy he had bought at the airport.

"Yay! I shall fulfil my cravings!" Airi laughed as she caught the bag. Airi opened the bag and started eating the cotton candy. Jason chuckled at Airi. The phone rang and Airi answered it.

"Hello?" Airi said with a mouthful of cotton candy.

"Your getting slack Airi." Her contact said.


"Never mind. You left your gun at the hotel and one the staff posted it to me. Meet me down stairs tomorrow at ten."

"Sure." Airi said then hung up.

"Who was it?" Jason asked.

"My contact. He's going to give me my gun that I left here by accident." Airi said.

"I'm coming with you."

"No your not."

"Haha, your being followed."

"No your not going to follow me and I'm sorry." Airi said then quickly dashed towards Jason.

"Pulsation!" Airi yelled as she put her hands on his stomach. A blue light shot out from her hands. Jason went slack in her arms. Airi put Jason in his room, on his bed.

Airi went into her room and grabbed out a piece paper. Airi grabbed her quill and wrote in fancy writing. She wrote:

Dear Jason,

I've gone out with my contact to that ball we talked about. I'm sorry that I had to do that. I will most likely get back at ten. Please do not try to follow me, I will be fine. Have a good night and don't wait up for me. I will be back late.

From Airi ❤️

Satisfied with her work Airi, nodded in approval and left the note on the bench. Airi walked into her bedroom and had a long hot shower. Airi hopped out of the shower and dressed into the dress her contact had given her. Airi gave herself one last look in the mirror then walked into the kitchen. Airi dialled in her contacts number on the units phone.

"Hello?" Her contact answered.

"It's me, can you meet me at the bar now?"

"Sure, why what happened?"

"There's been a few complications."

"Okay, I'll meet you there in five minutes."

"Yep." Airi said before hanging up. She grabbed her weapons and hid them on various parts of her body. Airi checked herself in the mirror one last time before taking the key card with her. Airi locked the door from the outside, locking Jason inside. Airi went down to the first floor via the elevator. Airi waited patiently for the elevator to get to the first floor. Airi walked out of the elevator and up to the front desk.

"Can you please set ten guards at the front of the four hundredth floor?" Airi asked politely.

"Yes milady." The guy at the front desk replied. Airi then noticed a certain symbol on the mans wrist. Another thing that caught her attention was that the staff called her milady, and that Jason and her were the only ones at the hotel.

"Who is your employer?" She asked the guy at the front desk.

"I'm sorry milady but, I'm not allowed to reveal that information to you." He responded.

"You were ordered to do what I asked you to, were you not?"

"Well, yes milady."

"Then answer my question, who is your employer?"


"Answer my question!" Airi yelled enraged. She pulled out her dagger and pressed it lightly to his throat. She hardened her eyes. Airi spoke in a spine chilling voice.

"Answer me or forfeit your life." Airi threatened.

"My employer is your contact." He whined. Airi immediately let him go and proceeded to walk to the bar. The front desk guy dropped to the floor and was panting for breath.

"Thank you." Airi called in a cheerful voice as she exited the hotel. Airi walked to the bar and waited at the entrance. Five minutes later a limo pulled up with her contact waiting patiently inside. The window wound down and her contact looked at her. He had long blonde hair and red eyes.

"Nice to see you Rose." He said seductively.

"The names Airi, remember?" Airi laughed.

"Yes I do remember but, I just prefer calling you Rose."

"Please use my actual name."

"Just play along with me, just for tonight."


"That's a good girl." Her contact smiled. The Schafer opened her door and Airi stepped in. She sat next to her contact.

"How have you been, Kaleid?"

"Well, thank you. How about you?" Her contact replied politely.

"Better then ever."

"Really, so,who bit you?"

"That really isn't any of your business."

"The feisty one as always."

"Hmm, is there a problem?"

"No there isn't."

"Good, now my gun?"

"I'll have your payment first."

"What payment?"

"For bringing you the weapon. I also had to keep the ancients off of your trail."

"Okay..." Airi whispered and tilted her head back. Kaleid bit down on her neck. Airi winced in pain but remained still. The Schafer drove the limo away from the bar and drove to the other side of New York.

"Kaleid that's enough. I've given you all of the payment." Airi whispered. He made no motion of moving.

"Kaleid!" Airi grumbled. He only bit down harder, drawing more blood out. Airi started to struggle against him. She managed to make the window go down. Airi flicked some of her blood out the window and went to scream. Her scream was muffled by Kaleid's hand covering her mouth. Airi fainted from blood loss. Kaleid removed his fangs from Airi's neck and chucked Airi to the other side of the car.

"Now return my sister to me!" Kaleid yelled to the person next to his Schafer.

"Once she has been handed over to the ancients." Kyle replied.

"That was not the deal!"

"Do you want your sister to return to you alive!?"


"Well, do as I say!"


"Good. Schafer take us to the coven. " Kyle ordered the Schafer.

"Yes sir." The Schafer replied. He drove the car towards the coven.

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