Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Jiro walked into Airi's room. Airi moaned. The sedative was wearing off. He grabbed one of the six needles that the pack had found, each full with sedative. As soon as the needle touched the surface of Airi's skin, electricity ran up the needle and through Jiro's arm. Jiro jerked his arm away from Airi and looked at her. He touched her hand. Nothing happened. Jiro lent down to kiss her. He heard electricity crackle. The electricity formed an electric wolf. Jiro was two centimetres away from kissing Airi when the electric wolf pounced. Electricity went through this body. The electricity jumped to the metal. Traveling through the entire plane before returning to Airi. There was a few howls and yelps of pain through out the cabin. Airi opened her eyes. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned.

"Jason, what's going on?" Airi asked not realising that it was Jiro and, not Jason. Jiro was furious that Airi had another on her mind. He and his wolf were in agreement that Airi should only think about them and, not Jason. Airi looked at Jiro. Her eyes widened when she realised it wasn't Jason.

"Oi! You basted! Why the hell am I on this shit ass plane!? And how'd the hell did you get the freak'n idea that you'd be able to live granted that you've kidnapped me and Jason! You bitch!" Airi yelled. Airi pulled out her dagger, Death Claimer. Airi used her powers to electrify the blade. Airi swung at Jiro, the electricity acting as an extension of Death Claimer. Jiro crashed into the side of the plane. The electricity caused a mini explosion. Airi swung her leg at Jiro. The blow landed on his shin. A sickening snap was heard as Jiro's leg broke. The excess electricity jumped onto some paper, starting a fire. The fire crackled. The fire raged and traveled through the plane. Airi swung a punch at Jiro's shoulder and a pop was heard as his shoulder dislocated. His leg mended and his shoulder fixed itself as his werewolf healing powers kicked in. Yelling could be heard though out the plane.

"This is your pilot speaking, there is a fire in the cabin. We are also entering Romanian borders now. Please evacuate the plane now!" The pilot said over the mic. Airi choked on the thick smoke. She looked out the window and saw snow. Then it dawned on Airi that Jason would be stuck cause, knowing the werewolves and Jiro they would've shackled him somewhere. Airi glared at Jiro through the thick smoke.

"Where is he!?" She yelled over the sound of werewolves yelling. Airi grabbed him by the front of his shirt and got right into his face.

"Where is he!?" She yelled again.

"I'll never tell you, my angel." He whispered, only just loud enough for her to hear. Airi's eyes widened at the shock go him. Knowing who she was. While Airi was still in the state of shock, Jiro spun her around and picked her up. He grabbed a parachute and jumped off the plane, still carrying Airi. Airi was yelling at him. She struggled against him but, the sedative was still in her system. Airi released her hold on her true power. She screamed as her wings forced themselves out of her skin. Her body trembled violently. Her eyes changed from their usual redish brown to silver. Airi flapped her powerful wings and she was instantly out of Jiro's hands. Airi flew back up to the plane. Airi entered through the emergency exit. She ran through the cabin searching for Jason.

"Jason! Where are you! Jason!" Airi called as she crashed through the falling death trap. Airi stepped into the very end of the cabin. She saw Jason, unconscious and injured. He had a piece of metal on top of him. Flames were closely surrounding them. Live wires were scattered all over the place. Airi absorbed the electricity in the wires. She coughed as the smoke filled the room. Airi used all of her strength move the metal. She picked up Jason and searched for a way out. Airi was weakening every moment. She stumbled through the falling plane. There was a loud crack and the plane split in half. Airi used the opportunity to carry Jason out of the plane. Airi jumped out of the plane, carrying Jason. She spread her wings and flapped. Airi hovered there for a moment. An explosion went off. The explosion caused Airi to lose her balance. Airi and Jason were sent tumbling down to earth. A piece of metal crashed down on Airi, knocking her unconscious. Her wings folded in and disappeared. Her eyes returned to their natural redish brown. Both of them falling down to earth at remarkable speeds. They crashed into the cold Romanian snow. The plane wreckage fell soon after them. The plane exploded once more as it hit the snow. Fires crackled all around the place. Snow started to fall steadily. Jiro and his pack shifted to their wolf forms and huddled together for warmth. They hid in the trees that had escaped the blaze. Slowly and steadily the snow fell, putting out the raging fires. Airi moaned and rubbed her head as she came to. Dammit! Airi thought when she removed her hand from her head. Her blood coated her hand. Airi then remembered Jason. The entire memory came rushing back to her. She stood up and walked around. With no luck she decided to search by air. Airi summoned her wings and held in her scream. She didn't want Jiro to know that she was still alive. Airi took off into the air. Airi circled the plane wreckage in the sky. The smoke making it very hard to see. Airi suddenly spotted Jason. He was surrounded by a pool of his own blood and had wounds all over his body. His shirt had been torn off and only parts of it remained. Airi gasped and flew down to him. She landed in beside him. He had a gapping wound in his stomach and a gash in his forehead. Airi guessed he also had a broken rib. A silent tear went down her face. She thought he was dead until she saw the rise and fall of his chest, telling her he was alive. Airi guessed that he had lost to much blood for his regenerative powers to kick in. Airi folded in her wings and was on her knees beside him.

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