Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Airi and Jason flew on a plane back to New York. Airi had exhausted her powers and her wings. Airi booked flights for them to go back to New York from England. Airi was a bit fidgety in the plane.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked Airi.

"I just don't like being in a big metal bird." Airi said.

"Well this is going to be interesting." Jason laughed.

"Hey, you can't blame me! There's a little all too recent memory called a plane crash involving certain wolves." Airi defended. Airi's face then went sad. She had turned vampires to dust but, that was different then actually seeing the death on the person's face. Airi shivered as what Lady a night had said echoed in her mind. You can gather souls and talk to them. Every one you meet, everyone you talk to, whether or not you like them, you will have a part of their soul in you. When they die you take their entire soul.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just..." Airi started but, spaced out.

In Airi's mind:

Suddenly, Airi was in a meeting room with souls arguing.

"What's going on?" She asked. All the souls stopped arguing and greeted her. Jiro's soul walked, well more like floated, over to her.

"You killed me. Why mate?" Jiro's soul asked.

"Stay away from me." Airi said firmly. Suddenly the soul was pushed by an invisible force and disappeared.

"What just happened?" Airi asked the other souls. It was Lady Night who answered.

"We are bound by what you tell us to do unless, we are still alive in the real world but, the exception to the being alive rule is only if we are stronger then you." Lady Night explained.

"Hey, where are you anyways?" Jennifer's soul asked.

"Jennifer!" Airi said then ran to her.

"Well at least I can still talk to you here." Airi said.

"What do you mean? It's not like I'm dead or anything. I'm just being held captive at the vampires coven." Jennifer babbled on.

"But, we saw you die in a car crash didn't we?" Airi said.

"Nah, the vampires just bribed some people as per usual." Jen answered.

"Wait if all the souls of the people I've met are in here then what about Aries soul? Is it here?" Airi asked.

"So nice of you to worry about me but, you know I can kill you right?" Aries soul answered. All the souls tensed and was on high alarm.

"Don't worry, if he wanted to kill me he would've by now." Airi said.

"Smart little birdie." Aries answered. He went to caress Airi's hair.

"Go to hell." Airi answered. Chains came out of no where and secured Aries soul.

"I already am." It answered. Airi rolled her eyes. Jason's soul walked up to Airi and slung an arm over her shoulders.

"Are you alright my little angel?" It asked. Airi went pink.

"Since when were you thinking of pet names? Oh, and I'm not little." Airi said while the other souls laughed at her except Aries, who rolled his eyes.

"Since our date." Jason's soul whispered into her ear.

"Well aren't you two just two peas in a pod." Kyle's soul said.

"Your here to?" Airi asked.

"What? Not glad to see me." Kyle's soul laughed. Kyle lunged for Airi but, Jason intervened and wrestled him to the ground.

"Well, while I do love seeing your brotherly love. I will have to separate you two." Airi said and an invisible force separated them.

"Oh, come on Airi. Can't you at least let me beat my older brother up a little bit?" Jason whined.

"Keep whining and I'll stick you in a dog kennel." Airi threatened. Jason just poked his tongue and Airi laughed at how childish it was. Airi them returned back to the real world.

"Earth to Airi." Jason said while waving his hand in front of her face.

"Keep waving it there and I'll bite it." Airi said making Jason jump.

"Well, you spaced out for bit." Jason explained.

"Oh yeah that reminds me, when I spaced out did I say anything?" Airi asked Jason.

"No why?" Jason asked. Airi waited for one of the service

Lades to pass before talking again.

"Oh I was just talking to some of the souls and it seems Jennifer is still alive too." Airi said laughing.

"Well that's great news. Where is she?" Jason asked, feeling relieved for Airi.

"At the vampires coven. Oh and your soul also talked to me."

"What did it say?" Jason asked sounding a bit embarrassed about what it might of said. Airi the turned so she was facing Jason directly.

"Oh, nothing just something about a pet name you had for me since our date."

"Well, at least it didn't spill all my secrets."

"But, seriously. My little angel?"

"I know it's a bit cliche but, ya gotta admit it suits you."

"I agree with it except the little part.

"Well, your height is little compared to mine."

"Really? I'm not that small."

"That can be argued."

"We are seriously not doing this."


"Arguing about my height."

"What else is there to do when we're on a plane with nothing to do?"

"Uh, I don't know, sleep." Airi said with a duh look on her face.

"Doesn't sound appealing unless your using my shoulder as a pillow." Jason said.

"Really? Your gonna pull that card?"


"Fine." Airi breathed then laid her head on Jason's shoulder. Both of them drifted to sleep.

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