Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

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After escaping the werewolves clutches, Jason and Airi had found refuge at a friend of Airi's in New York. Airi's friends name was Jennifer Cross, Jen for short. She was on the short side, skinny but, not thin. Jen had mocha coloured skin and black hair. Jen had been afraid of supernaturals ever since her brother was turned into a vampire so, they had to keep Jason's true identity a secret. Jen's house was a small apartment in the city. It was an expensive place but, was worth while. The rooftop pool was almost always empty but, was beautiful at night. Airi had dragged Jason up to the rooftop pool for a swim.

"Come on Jason! Come for a swim with me!" Airi pleaded like a child.

"Ah, I'm good here. Nice and dry and all." Jason argued. Airi made a pouty face at him. Jason couldn't help but, think that it was adorable. Airi dived into the pool in her bikini's. Jason stayed on the sidelines refusing to get into the pool.

"Have actually ever been swimming before?" Airi asked curiously.

"No-" Jason didn't get to finish his sentence before Airi cut him off.

"You don't know how to swim so you just don't." Airi accused him. She jumped up in the water and grabbed his hands, inevitably dragging him into the pool. Jason was soaking wet in his clothes and had the ' I'll make you pay for this later' look on his face. Airi laughed and splashed him with more water. Airi swam away quickly before Jason could splash her back. Jason, instead of swimming after her, manipulated the water to bring Airi to him. Airi pouted and crossed her arms over her chest as the water pulled her to him. Jason smiled and pulled her into his embrace. Airi snuggled into Jason's embrace. No matter how powerful, strong or invincible she became, she would never feel safer then being in Jason's strong embrace. A high pitched sound that only dogs or animals with highly sensitive hearing could hear, echoed through the city that never sleeps. Airi clutched her head as her weakness echoed. Airi relied on sonar and sound waves for when she was flying, or doing anything instead of using her eyes. With her sensitive hearing, the high pitched sound would put her off balance and would harm her. Airi winced as the sound did not leave. Black dots danced around in her vision and she blacked out in Jason's arms.

"Airi? Airi, what's wrong?" Jason asked worriedly as Airi went slack in his arms. Jason shook her a little. Jason carried Airi's unconscious body back to Jennifer's apartment. Thankfully, Jen was at work and it was only Jason and Airi.

Jason laid Airi's body on her bed. He walked into the kitchen and quickly made a snack for himself. Jason wandered back into his room, finished off his snack and laid beside Airi.

Jason patiently laid beside her, waiting for her to wake up. It had been eight hours since she had collapsed unconscious in his arms in the rooftop pool, after he had dragged her towards him with water manipulation. Airi had been unconscious for eight hours. Airi moved slightly and Death Claimer, that was on the bed side table, accidentally pierced her neck, but only enough to draw a tiny drop of blood. Jason restrained himself from biting her neck while she was asleep. Jason had his eyes closed and had locked his hearing onto Airi's heart beat. Jason heard it speed up a little, meaning she was awake. Instead of asking her if she was alright he would make her pay for making him so worried about her. Jason shifted his weight while Airi continued to pretend she was asleep. Jason let his eyes flicker to red. Jason shifted his body so he now hovered above her. His hands either side of her head and his legs straddled above her waist. Jason heard Airi's heart speed up even more. Jason smirked at her body's response. Cocky, egoistic vampire, Airi thought. Jason's fingers danced up Airi's arm. An involuntary shiver went through Airi's body. Jason leaned down and kissed the corner of her lips, then trailed lazy kisses all the way down jaw line to her neck. He nuzzled into her neck, where Death Claimer had accidentally pierced her skin. Airi's heart rate was going a hundred miles per hour. Jason decided he had tortured Airi enough with just teasing.

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