Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jason left Airi and went home. He walked into the foyer and instantly, his brother looked at him suspiciously.

"So, you've devoured your first human." His older brother laughed.

Jason kept walking to his room. His brother followed him.

"So, who was it?" His older brother pressed.

Kyle was Jason's older brother and he loved to annoy Jason. Kyle had three feeders. He didn't restrain himself at all. He devoured his feeders mercilessly and then had them return to their rooms. Jason despised his brother for his ways. Kyle had green eyes and black hair, like their father, Daimon. Jason had his mothers brown hair and eyes. He had no resemblance to his father.

"Go away Kyle." Jason grumbled.

"Tell me and I'll go away."


"Ah, so he admits he did feed on someone."

"Stop using you manipulating powers on me."

"I'm not."

"Just leave it! I won't tell you who she is!"

"So she's a female, I wonder what she looks like and what her blood tastes like." Kyle teased.

Jason rolled his eyes and slammed his bedroom door on his brothers face. Jason flopped down onto his bed. Jason felt guilty for what he'd done. They had only known each other for two days and she had given him her blood. Jason already felt the feeling of himself getting addicted to her blood. Airi was the first person he had devoured. Her blood. Tasted sweet and delicious. Jason sighed and rolled over. Little did he know that his brother was tracking Airi down by the scent of her blood. Kyle walked out of the mansion and followed the slowly fading scent of Airi's blood. He followed the faint scent to the 'abandoned' house.

"So, this is where the girl lives. She must be an ugly thing but, with that scent I wonder..." Kyle muttered to himself.

He walked up to the house and opened the door. The bottom floor was empty. Kyle looked around the first floor looking for anything that could possibly tell him about the girl.

"So, she isn't a rich bitch. I wonder what kind of girl she is." Kyle muttered.

He heard something upstairs. Kyle stalked up the stairs. He opened the door to Airi's room. He saw her asleep under the blankets. At first he was dazzled by her beauty, then the strong scent of her blood hit him. Kyle's eyes glowed the brightest crimson red. Airi moaned and opened her eyes only to see Kyle.

"Jason?" She whispered.

When she opened her eyes fully she noticed it wasn't Jason at all. This man had red eyes and a darker shade of brown hair. Airi, now fully awake, grabbed her dagger and held it in a defensive position.

"Who are you vampire?!" She growled.

"The person whose about to devour you." Kyle responded with delight.

"Wrong answer!" Airi growled and swung the blade at Kyle.

"Your a feisty one. I wonder, just how Jason was able to get close enough to feed off of you?"

"How do you know him?!"

"Why, he's my little brother."

"Heh, so sorry to hear."

"Why? Because I have a weakling for a brother."

"No, because he will be an only child by the end of this."

"How dare you threaten me human! I will devour you then kill you!" Kyle threatened. Airi yawned in mockery.

"Are you finished? I've heard that one before, I tell you it is a pain. You vampires are all the same."

"You dare say that I'm the same as a turned vampire!?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can't wait for the next line, it's my favourite!" Airi teased and mocked.

"You'll die now!"

"Thank you for saying my favourite line and now. It's time to give you my favourite response. Bite me!" Airi teased swinging her blade in a care free way.

Kyle lunged at Airi. Airi kicked Kyle in the gut sending him flying across the room and into the next. Kyle grunted from the impact.

"You're human, yet you have the ability to send a vampire across a room and not break your foot. Who are you?" Kyle asked amazed.

"The name's Airi Silver and you need to leave before I kill you or kick your sorry ass." Airi grumbled.

"I'll leave but, I will come after you again."

"Looking forward to kicking your ass again. You're a good practice dummy." Airi laughed as Kyle jumped out of the hole in the wall and down onto the old road.

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