●Soldier● × Otayuri

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"You have the eyes of a true soldier." Complimented the raven haired soldier tending to Yuri's wounds.

"Where the hell am I?" Yuri inquired groggily.

"You are now in our base, you got shot and I brung you here to treat your wound." He explained.

"What?!" I shrieked "I need to get back out- Ow!" My right shoulder and torso were bandaged. I guess that's where I got shot.

"Get some rest, the others won't find us here." The raven haired man reassured.

"Argh...fine..." I scowled, succumbing to my current position on the folded table.

Yuri Plisetsky, sixteen years old, Russian soldier, was on the battlefield.

"Take cover Plisetsky!" Shouted Viktor Nikifrov, his commander-in-chief.

"Are you even supposed to be fighting Viktor?!" He shouted, ducking behind his icy barricade to dodge the incoming bullet rain.

Yuri was up against Kazakhstan soldiers, fighting for his country and his life.

"Advance to the next barricade!" Viktor shouted, the bullets decreased drastically, so I listened.

I ran over to the same wall as Viktor, he shooed me away and told me to find my own barricade. I ran up to higher ground so I could take out people from afar, sniping was what I was best at anyway. Viktor would be fine, he's fought so many times that he was practically invincible on the battlefield.

I positioned myself on the higher ground, waiting for my chance to snipe the enemy soldiers. "Shit!" I whispered as I dodged a bullet, literally. That was close.

- Ready...

- Aim...

- Fire!

That was one, then another, then at least twelve more before I heard Mila call my name.

"Move from your position Yuri!" She shouted.

I didn't hear her in time, I felt this sharp pain in my shoulder, then in my torso. The only things I remembered were seeing Mila and Viktor's yelling and panicked faces fading into black. The only thing I remember even clearer is a calm and suave voice of another accent.

"Get him to a medic, he's losing blood fast!"

"It's too late to get him to the medic in our base, we're too far away from the center of our base!"

"I'll take him."

"But you're the enemy, who knows you won't kill him?!"

"I'm a medic, it's not my job to kill anyone, now I'm taking him, if that's alright now."

"Take him and bring him back to us."

Who's voice is that? I want to to know!

I felt myself being lifted and slipping into an unconscious state. I think I fell asleep, I don't even know anymore.

Now, the only thing I remember waking up to is a guy with black hair and brown eyes tending to my wounds.

And damn was he handsome.

"You're finally awake."

I started rubbing my eyes in attempt to wake myself up, it didn't work. What did work was when he held my face by the chin gently and looked into my eyes.

Sleepy turquoise eyes were met with brown eyes of pure perfection.

"You have the eyes of a true soldier." Complimented the raven haired soldier tending to Yuri's wounds. I blushed, I don't usually get compliments like that.

"Where the hell am I?" Yuri inquired groggily.

"You are now in our base, you got shot and I brung you here to treat your wounds." He explained.

"Hold on...Did you treat me while I was asleep?" I asked

"Yeah, You're a really light sleeper though, I had to use an anesthetic to knock you out and remove the bullets."

"What?!" I shrieked "I need to get back out- Ow!" My right shoulder and torso were bandaged. I guess that's where I got shot.

"Get some rest, the others won't find us here." The raven haired man reassured.

"Plus, your anesthetic wore off." He added. "You'll be in some pain."

"Argh...fine..." I scowled, succumbing to my current position on the folded table.

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked

"Yuri Plisetsky, pleasure to meet you." I stated

"Otabek Altin, pleasure's all mine." He claimed.

We shook hands as a symbol of a new friendship...

Friends...I never truly had a friend...the only people I've ever had in my life are Viktor, Mila, my grandfather, and now, Otabek.

I wonder how things will go from here.

"Wait, your comrades told me to bring you back-"

He looked outside, night had fallen and he smiled before stating:

"They can wait until tomorrow, can't they?"

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