●The Pun Game● × Everyone

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"I've got an idea." Said an inventive Thai man.

"Well what is it?" Yuuri asked.

"How about we play the pun game." He smirks."

"Oh God not again..." Yuuri groans and starts giggling.

"I'm staying out of it this time." Seung-gil states.

"Me too." Adds Beka.

"What the hell is the pun game?" Yuri asks, trying to sound like he hadn't heard of it, when in reality, he never wanted the game to surface again.

All because of one fucking pun.

"You know exactly what that it is, don't play dumb." Yuuri says sassily.

"Explain it for the others." The Thai man replied.

"It's a game where you make puns out of anything you can think of, and bonus points if you can roast, irritate, or make the person laugh or blush while making puns." Yuuri explains.

"Last time we did that shit Yuri got beat so damn hard that he-"

"Say nothing." Yuri states, sending a tense aura through the room, colliding with his unusually happy demeanor.

"What happened the last time you all played it?" Chris asks, now intrigued.

"Lets' play to find out, I'm curious as to what happened Yuri-chan." JJ's obnoxious voice rang through the room.

"Hey-" Viktor starts off.

"-Don't piss him off too early."


All of the skaters got together after weeks of saying that they would all regroup over their group chat. Sadly this didn't happen earlier all because of their similar laziness, forgetfulness, and their ever increasing procrastination levels. But, after days of Phichit reminding everyone over and over, they all finally came to the celebritys' mansion in Moscow, Russia, where he lived with his fiancé, Yuuri Katsuki.

"Alright, we're finally here!" Said Guang Hong as he dropped his bag on the path to the couple's doorway. He was a bit tired after being on a flight with all of them, and he was too lazy to be here honestly.

"And why wait for him to open the door?" Asks Chris, who zooms past Guang Hong and Leo, only to put in his own key to the mansion.

"Why do you have a key here?" JJ comments a bit disturbed.

"We might be competitors, but we're on good terms off the ice." Chris twists the key and the doors open.

The skaters step inside one by one, into a living room with a diamond chandelier, beige walls and way too much fancy shit that went perfectly together. Jaws dropping as they see famous paintings, chiseled sculptures and leather couches that they soon found out were really comfy. They also raided the minifridge in the secret compartment under the T.V.

"Hey, sorry I didn't welcome you all into my humble abode." Viktor laughed haughtily.

"It's fine, I let us in." Chris says, a cocktail in hand.

"So it was you who took my indian food Phichit!" Yuuri points at a Thai man stuffing his face with a piece of Tandoori chicken, clutching a piece of naan in his other hand.

"Actually it was him and me." Sueng-gil states, picking up a samosa from it's tinfoil where it resided.

"Well at least it wasn't the-"

"Pork cutlet b-" Yuri started to say, before realizing how much he had fucked up. An irritated Yuuri looked in his direction, Yurio put the bowl down before breaking into a run from their couch to the kitchen, Yuuri following him.

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