●March On● × Otayuri

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●~A Year Later~●

Nikolai Plisetsky
1943 - 2016
He was stronger than most, but knew when to give up.

I-I just can't...

-"I can't believe he's dead..." I buried my face into my hands and cried.

"Yuri, you have to be strong, this is not what your grandfather would want." Viktor claimed.

"Yurochka, look how strong you've become."

"Get stronger for me...okay?"

"I will, Nikolai."

"March on."

Those were the some of the last words he ever spoke to me on that damn hospital bed.

"Why him of all people?!" I didn't care how much of a sobbing mess I looked to Otabek, I could be vulnerable with him.

"Yuri, life goes on, you have to be strong." Beka put his arm around me.

"Who said you'd be alone during this?" He asked, pulling me closer to him. "You've got Yuuri, Viktor, Mila-"

"-And you." I finished for my boyfriend, giving him a kiss on the cheek.


"Yuri Plisetsky, to the commander's office!" Mila's voice rang over the intercom. Shoving away my slop that they considered food, I stomped over to the office.

"Yuri, you need to go to the hospital right now." Viktor stated

"Why?" I asked.

The mystery of it I recall.

"Your grandfather broke his back and some of his ribs are broken and have caused severe internal bleeding, and at his age-"

"He might not make it through it this time." It was obvious that Mila had to beat around the bush, but that didn't seem to help either.

Suddenly the truth will change the way we fall.

I grabbed my bag off her desk and ran out of the office, I told Otabek to give me a ride to the hospital, walking would take too long.

"Yuri, I can come in if you want."

"N-no thanks..."

"You sure? I'll be there for you if you need someone, you don't have to face this alone."

"Th-thank you Beka..."

Otabek blushed and I rested my head on Otabek's back, shit, shit, and more shit. I didn't mean to say that...

Okay I did but not so soon!

I just rested my head on his back with my arms around his waist. The purring of the motorcycle's engine trying to lull me to sleep. I jolted awake when Otabek came to an abrupt stop.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" I mumbled rather loudly. Otabek chuckled and started to drive again.

"You're adorable Yuri." He broke the silence.

"Mn...thanks Beka.....love ya'."

After what seemed like forever, which was really only seven minutes, we got to the hospital.

"We're here now." He said, taking off his helmet and picking me up and off the motorcycle.

"I did not asked to be picked up and carried!" I said, hitting him on the back with my tiny fists.

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