Mr Sass.

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"Deja vu much?" I think as I smile at my mother, and reach for the door. "Don't go to fast." I try to say casually.

She just gives me this weird look. When I started having that dream, I started saying that to her, and it seemed to be working.

"You ok Bobbi?" She places a hand on my forehead.

I chuckle. "Yes. I should probably get going. Marc probably has some crazy scheme to kill boredom." I rolled my eyed and got  out.

As I turn toward the gate, and as I listen to the sound of the fading engine, I can finally breath again.

"Well. I guess I'm just paranoid." I say as I walk through the gate.

"RAH!" Someone yelled from behind me, grabbing me by the shoulders.

I turned. "Marc! What have I told you about doing that to me?!"

"To do it?"


Marc was best friend. He has been since Kinder garden. Come to think of it, he's been my only that has stuck by me through all the bullshit that has gone down in my life.

We gave each other death stares then laughed. People knew we were crazy but we didn't care.

Then the bell went.

"Argh, English. What do you have Bobbi?" Marc asked me.

"Math B."

"I still think your crazy for  choosing that. See you at lunch, yeah? Usual area?"

"Always!" I replied.

We fist bumped then went our separate ways.

"What's Mr Pickle going to teach us this time? Hopefully I'll understand. Haha, Marc is right; I am crazy for choosing Math B."

I arrived at my class, a few seconds before Mr Pickle.

Yes that is my teacher's name.

"Looks like Mr and Mrs Crazy have made it through the weekend without seeing each other." Came a snarky voice from behind me.

I straightened myself up. I didn't even have to turn around to know that it was the bitchiest slut in school; Cindy von Vaught. And her minions.

"Cindy, how lovely to see you." I said, with sarcasm.

"Same to you, Bobbi." She said my name with the sharpness of a knife that had just been sharpened a few seconds ago.

"Move along Miss von Vaught. Don't you have a skank class to get to?" Mr Pickle sassed Cindy from behind. 

"Don't you have a jar to open?"

"Don't you know to your young to open your jar?"

"DOn't get yourself in a pickle."

"I'm straight. I can't say the same about you."

Cindy went red with anger and stormed off.

This is why Mr Pickle is my favourite teacher. That's the only reason I haven't changed out of Math B.

"Yeah that's right!" Mr Pickle said, putting his fist before my.

We fist bumped then the rest of the class lined up.

"Three cheers to Mr Pickle! Mr Sass!" Dylan yelled from the back of the line.

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