A Small Victory.

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The next day at school, like I told Marc yesterday, I could not concentrate. All I could see was the dead body of my mother. No one at school, apart from Marc, knew what was going down in my life at the time. Well, as far as I knew. Unless Uncle Al rung up the school or something.

"I swear. Cindy tries any shit with me, and bitches better expect blood." I thought as I headed to English.

English was my least favourite subject, even though I'm top of the class.

For one, I had to deal with von Vaught and the seating plan sat her right behind me. So yeah. Let's just say the only thing we learnt in English, was don't push my buttons.

At all.


Unless you want a medic at your side as well a bleeding nose. That's if your lucky. If your not lucky, well you better get you life insurance and funeral policy in order.

Ok, I should probably stop talking and tell you what the fuck went down.

So I lined up, well really I just slumped against the wall, with my leg propped up against the wall in a sort of 'L' shape so I kept my balance, and my was bag slung over one shoulder. Then that 'ray of sunshine' comes and starts shit. I think I did pretty well. I think. Well, I managed to ignore her at least. Until...We went inside.

It was when we got inside that shit really went to down. I hadn't even put my bag down or gotten my book out at that point!

"Hey slut." Cindy said.

"Why hello there virginless shit who should get the fuck away from me before she has her period from her nose."

"Oooooooh!" Cindy's minions chorus.

"Oh shut up." Cindy says. Then she turns to me. "A hollow threat? How-" That's all she said before I gave her one punch to the nose.

Hey! Don't judge me. I think I had taken two or three times more the usual amount of crap I could of usually taken before snapping. I mean, you try going through all this and telling me you don't want to punch the first person that pisses you off.

Anyway, back to English.

The bitch let out a squeal of an unknown octave.

Sir turned to me. "Miss Gustus! You go to the office right now!"

Wow. Teachers don't get it do they? If they can see what students do to each other, don't they know that can happen to the teachers themselves? Well, they are the ones that have to break up fights, and honestly, that does not appeal to me.

Round of applause for the bravery of high school teachers.

Anyway. Sure, I got my bag, but I didn't go to the office.

"Fuck. I knew that Bobbi chic was crazy, but to punch the bitch of St. Fredrickson's? That's a gutsy move." I heard someone say.

"Bobbi Gustus? How about Bobbi Gusty? I think its more s-"

I didn't hear the end of the sentence. I didn't care what they called me. I didn't care if it was put on my permanent record. All that mattered to me was getting out of that place.

All I remember was running and jumping over desks and getting out of there. I stopped in front of the door that led to Marc's room. I got his attention, waved, pointed towards the exit, then took off again.

I think he understood what I meant. He nodded at least. I think I even saw a hint of worry in his eyes. I'd feel the same for him.

"Now...Where to go? I can't go home or mum will- Oh." Then it hit me why I was in the mess.

Well, now that I was really thinking about it, maybe it was a chain reaction that spread out over my entire fifteen years and ten months.

"Alright then, Uncle Al will go bonkers at me. And I don't have a spare change of clothes. Gr! I can't go anywhere with out running to the law, can I? well this sucks. When I find the bitch that did this, they better be ready for a storm they won't see coming. Fuck it. I'll just go home anyway. Who cares if Al has a go at me? It's like it can't get any worse."

Then it started raining. Man was I grateful I wasn't into all that straightener and make up crap. Other I think I would have definitely looked like a walking, taking, breathing, hell of a mess.

Actually, the rain made it better. It was like it was washing away the anger, frustration, confusion, and every other emotion that had found it's self added to the mix.

When I got home, I found my uncle asleep on the couch.

"Hey uncle. I'm back." I said, walking over to the fridge to crack open a can of Fanta.

Being the not so girly-girl I am, I skulled it in a mouthful. I loved the feeling as it ran down my throat like a marathon.

I heard stirring from the couch and walked back into the lounge room.

"Hey Clamshell. Why ain't ya at school?" He said, still half asleep.

"Cindy." That was all I needed to say and Uncle Al understood perfectly.

"The skank?"


"Enough said. But you can't give up on your education. Remember when you promised me when I told you that I couldn't finish school? Don't let that bitch be the ruin of you. Use her fire to fuel yourself to succeed." Uncle Al said.

"Spoken like a wise old Al."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Clamshell. I don't even know what I'm saying half the time. It's mainly the first thing that comes to mind."

"You keep doing that. I'm going for a bubble bath." I said, exiting the room.

"Justice will be served. I know this will look bad seeing as I do Legal Studies, but this is the real world. I have to take action. If I don't, who will? Besides, it will look bad if I'm caught, right?"

I walked back in the lounge room. There was something on my mind that I had given a lot of thought. Ok, about five minutes of thought.

"Uncle..." I started.

He opened one of his eyes. "Hmm?" He said sleepily.

"Actually, never mind. I'll ask later." I said, turning around and heading for the bathroom.

I know what happened shouldn't happen again. After looking at what did now, maybe I did act a little irrationally? I don't know.

I just sank into the safe haven of the warm water and bubbles. I had also lit a few candles. One for each hope that She made it to Heaven.

It may have seemed cliché, but it's what I felt I had to do.

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