He-Devil meets She-Devil.

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The door bust open. And in came a man with a woman. I recognized neither, but the man seemed vaguely familiar. Like from an old photograph maybe?

"Get out of the bath, whore. I'm your daddy and this is your new step-mum." The man ordered.

I know they say don't judge a book by its cover, but my gosh he looked abusive. He had scars and tattoos on every square millimetre of visible skin.

The woman looked like him, but you know, more feminine, less tattoos and scars.

Bare in mind I was still in the bath. The only thing that kept from me being exposed was the well placed bubbles.

Good job bubbles!

"Oh, I get it! Duh! Your that son of a bitch that raped my mother, stole her cash and made off. Way to play the father. Besides, I don't need you. Or this 'new step-mother.' In case you didn't realize, I've got my Uncle Albert here. Get the fuck, out of my house, or so help me I will end your life the same way you ended Rayna's!"

Then the most fucked up thing happened. I found myself in camouflage clothing, complete with a band ties around my the top of my head, and in one hand, I had a knife, and the other, a loaded gun.

I don't remember being taught how to use a gun, but anyway.

"One wrong move and he dies." That dad- sorry, bad- bad excuse of a dad said, dragging Al from behind the wall.

The poor soul, the poor soul being my uncle, was in a bad state. How on earth could I not have heard his screams?!

He had a gag in his mouth, cuts all over his arms and legs, and a huge gash in his cheek. His and hands and feet were tied up.

Without thinking, I shot both my so-called dad and the woman in the skull, torso, and twice in each leg. They went down, and the blood went to my knees as I knelt down to free my uncle.

It made sense why I had a knife now. I cut the bonds, but I didn't realize that the two people I had shot were actually still very much alive.

Next thing I know, I'm being kicked in the stomach, and then the woman beat my head into the wall.

Before I passed out, I saw my 'father' take my gun that I had idiotically dropped, cock it, then point it at my uncle.

BOOM. Then I passed out.


I woke up. "This has got to stop."

I was still in the bath.

Why I kept having dreams of people dying, was beyond me.

But if this was also going to be a reoccurring dream, Heaven forbid, then I'm screwed.

I got out, dried off, and got dressed into comfy clothing.

Maybe I should tell Uncle Al?

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