Rayna. (Chapter 32.)

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Then the memories kicked in like a slow release pill.

"Wow. Man... Rayna would have loved place. Wouldn't cha?" I asked in my mind, turning to where I had pulled back the curtain, above me, open a little.

"Haha, no doubt she would have completely raided that lolly compartment and lolly cupboard. In fact, if she was here, I probably would have helped. Pfft, probably? I definitely would have helped! Just like back in Australia... We were Mister Chuckle's Sweet Store's best customers. 'Thanks to you girls, I can never go out of business!' Mister Chuckle would always say to me and mum. I guess I should tell him the sour news when I get back to Oz."

I stopped thinking for a moment. I took my hair out of the loose bun I had put it in and dunked my head under the warm water, hoping it would act like F5 and refresh my memory.

No. Such. Luck.

"How weird would it be, if I left a peppermint here for Rayna, and I caught her, or her ghost, eating it? Talk about messed up, right?"

I knew well enough that was an impossible scenario. But oh well. Like they say, some people can only exist in your heart, not always in your life.


I took a peppermint and looked it for a moment, then said out loud, "This one's for you, mum. Where ever in this tormented world you are." I chucked the peppermint into the ol' pie hole.

"I should probably get out now. It's getting dark and everyone else has probably already had dinner." I thought, getting out and drying off. I slid into my pajama's and walked over to my bed.

"Ah no! Not tonight! I am seriously not in the mood to get dressed up!"

On my bed, was my worst nightmare; a fancy dress, heels that would put my flat feet through hell, and, blah! Make-up.

"Please tell me this is a sick, twisted joke! I can't wear heels! They screw up my feet! Urgh, bring on the blisters- oh lovely. A note." I thought sarcastically.

Party time! I know you want to party! Get dressed and put on the make up and shoes!


"How 'bout no." I thought stubbornly, tossing the junk off my bed and crawling in.

I had no trouble sleeping until that douche woke me up.

"Hey! I said get ready!" He yelled in my ear.

"Do you want blood on that suit?" I asked with my eye's closed. "Because it can be arranged IF YOU DON'T GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"

"Lance, get the hell away from my niece. For your own protection."


"Bobbi?" Uncle Al asked gently.


Uncle Al looked taken back.

"Sorry for yelling, but I don't belong here! Don't you understand? I hate it here! Lance is givng me a hard time, and I think everyone here knows I don't belong. Everyone but you it seems! So please, don't make get dressed in that shit. If I do decide to go, I ain't wearing that crap! I hate designer! You, of all people, should know that! I don't want to wear anything made by a child in a third world country!"

If you couldn't tell, I was really, truly, EXTREMELY peeved off.

"I understand-"

"Here we, go. Again with the lies."

"No. I was just going to say. You have to come and if you don't I have to force you."

"Fucking why?" I asked, really outraged.

"Because someone wants to meet you. Your father."

"Can I bring a knife?"

Al looked stunned that I could ask such a question in such a calm manner.

"What on earth for?!"

"Uh, to kill that son of a bitch! Duh!"

"No, you going to make peace-"

"OVER MY DEAD BODY! GOOD FRIKEN NIGHT! And turn the lights off on your way out."

"Bobbi! Please! If you don't then that prick-"

"How did he find your address anyway?"

Uncle Al shrugged. "No idea."

"Argh. Fucking fine. But ain't wearing none of that."

"You have to-"

But it was to late. I wore the opposite of a fancy dress, heals and make up; jeans, t-shirt, and flats, no make up.

"Let's get this over with," I sighed, really ticked off. "I'm only staying to kill him, then I'm getting on the first flight back to Australia, whether your coming or not."  

"Fine. I'll book first class. After we see how this unrolls."

"No. Now, and before this unrolls."

"Stop being a spoilt bitch and hurry the fuck up."

"Stay the hell out of this Lance" I yelled as he appeared in the door way.


BAM! BAM! BAM! One punch to the nose, one to the torso, and one in the shoulder.

"We need a new suit in isle three." I said bluntly. "Deal with your own problems! I'm going home!"

"But you are home?" Lance spluttered from the floor.

I looked at him. "No I'm not! I'm far from it!"

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