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I love walking home. It's like being given hope after a harsh day of bitches that don't know when to stop. I put my hand out so it brushes against the bushes that are poking out from between the slates in the fence.

I giggled as droplets were flung all over the place. They must have watered the garden earlier or something.

When I reached my street, I saw cop cars all over the place.

I think I knew what had been done.

I slid my phone from my pocket and dialled Marc's number.

"Dude, l think shit has gone down. How fast do you think you can get here?" I asked, looking at the police. One had started walking towards me, and had stopped in front me.

She said nothing until I hung up.

"Miss Gustus? I need you to come with me." She said.

"Not until my friend gets here," I replied, taking a step back.

What sort of lunatic goes with someone, police officer or not, that says they have to go with them, without a reason and proof of why?

I didn't have to wait much longer, because Marc came speeding around the corner on his bike.

"Can we go in now?" The officer said impatiently.

"Yup." I replied.

Marc looked at me worried. I knew what he was thinking. I returned the glance thinking the same thing.

Was my only adult guardian in Australia dead?

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