Chapter 4

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Mitch's POV:

Wow Preston you didn't have to get her a X-Box 360 with minecraft.

"Preston you didn't have to be me this!" Nic says giving him a hug.

"You would always talk about playing minecraft on Mitch or Jerome's X-Box . So I got you your own!" Preston smiles.

"And it's even blue!" She says happily.

I have never seen her more happy since I got her the blue 3DS XL for Christmas.

"Alright are we going to go eat?" Jerome asks.

"Ya where to?" Ty asks.

"Can we stop at Seven Eleven so we can get slurpees?" Nic and Jerome ask.

"Fine we will get slurpees," I say.

Nic and Jerome LOVE to get slurpees when we are out here. I don't know why but hey do.

Jerome's POV:

Me and Nic go all out on the slurpees. Mitch said he would buy them so we each got the biggest ones and filled them to the brim.

"Guys are you going to be hungry by the time we get to the resturant?" Mitch asks while he's paying.

"Yup!" Nic and I say in unison.

"Alright suit yourselves," he says as we get in the car.

I get in the backseat of Mitch's car so that Nic could sit in front next to Mitch. Instead she insists that she drive. So Mitch let her drive to the restaurant. I has to admit she is a good driver.

"Jerome will you help me put my gift in the back of the car so it doesn't get stolen?" Nic asks me.

"Ya sure thing!" I said opening he trunk.

We put the X-Box into the trunk and head inside.

"Table for eight please. The others will come shortly," Jerome says.

Right after he says that the others come in.

"Nevermind the others just got here," Jerome quickly adds on.

-after dinner-

Nic's POV:

After we eat,Mitch, Jerome and I head back to the apartment.

"Mitch I'm going to go hook up the X-Box to my flat screen!!" I yell.

"K call me if you need me!" Mitch yells back.

"Mitch I won't need your dang help! I know more about electronics than you ever will!" I reply.

Jerome walks into my room right after I finished hooking it up.

"Five minutes, that's a new record!" Jerome screams.

"Jerome shush you'll wake the neighbors!" I whisper yell.

"Oh ya, but still I have never seen anyone hook up a counsel that fast!" He says surprised.

"So what did you want, Biggums?" I ask

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to Gamestop so you could get that game you wanted? Me and Mitch were going to go tomorrow but we could go today?" He asked.

"Ya sure can we leave now?!" I ask.

"Ya sure!" He runs out of the room.

"Hey Benja we are going to Gamestop now!!" Jerome yells. Does that guy ever listen.

"Ok be up in a min!" Mitch yells back.

Mitch's POV:

"Ok be up in a min!" I yell back to Jerome.

I just finished looking to see if Gamestop still had the limited edition Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Wii U bundle. They did. So me and Jerome are going to get it for her as a congrats on 2,000 subs gift.

-at Gamestop-

"Nic, me and Jerome wanted to get you a gift to celebrate your 2,000 subs." I begin

Jerome buys the Wii U, then walks back over to us.

Nic's eyes lit up "You guys got me a Wii U!! And it's the Wind Waker bundle!!! Thanks guys!!" She says as she hugs us both.

I am so glad that she is happy. I'm starting to think that Preston likes her. But I'm not going to let that happen.

"Nic have you noticed that Preston likes you?" I ask her.

"Ya I have but I like him as a friend, Mitch," She answers. Thank gosh she doesnt like him.

"Alright we've had a busy day lets get home and go to bed," Jerome says yawning.

"Ya lets get home," I say.

-back at home-

I'm so happy that Nic is happy. After we moved out all I ever wanted was to make her happy. I will do anything for her.



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