Chapter 5

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Nic's POV:

"MITCH GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED!!!!!!" I scream in his face.

In return I get a pillow thrown at me, but with my ninja skills and quick reflexes I easily dodge it with a flip.

"What time is it?" Mitch sits up and yawns.

"5 in the morning," I tell him.

"Seriously sis stop waking me up an hour after I get to sleep," He says walking to the kitchen.

"Well me and Jerome were up, and Jerome told me to wake you up!" I say cheerfully.

"What time did you wake up?" He asks me.

"Oh around 3ish," I tell him as I pour him some OJ.

"Thanks and why 3ish?!" He questions me again.

Jerome walks into the room," Mitch she's a night owl. She can got to bed at 12:45 and then wake up at 1 and have no bags under her eyes!"

"Thanks for backing me up Jerome," I say to Jerome.

"No problem!" He laughs.

Jerome's POV:

"No problem!" I laugh.

"So guys what do you want for breakfeast?" Nic asks us.

"Waffles?" Mitch and I say looking at each other.

"Coming right up boys!" Nic says pulling out the waffle maker.

About 30 minutes passed when the pancakes were finally done.

"Jerome's pancakes," she says as she sets a plate down. The pancakes spelled out Jerome.

"Mitch's pancakes," she sets down another plate with the word Mitch made of pancakes.

"What about the waffles?" I ask.

"I made these instead, plus we had no more waffle mix." She says.

"Now I know why it took so long!" I exclaim.

"Ya hungry Nic?!" I say as I stab my pancakes.

"Nah Jerome I ate at 3," she replies.

Mitch's POV:

Seriously how much more talented can my sister get. Pancakes that spell out our names! She just can't get any better.

"So what are we recording today?" I ask.

"I don't know, Jerome?" Nic replies.

"Hunger deans?!" He says.

"Lezzgo then!!" I say as we all run into each of our gaming rooms.

-everyone's POV-

"What's going on doods it's Mitch or BajanCanadian here, with Frostleaf and Jerome and we playing dah Hunger deans!!!!" Mitch yells into his mic.

"Gosh bro don't have to be so loud!" Nic says into her mic.

"Hey no need for the family teasing!" Jerome jokes.

-10 minutes later-

"DANG IT!!!!" Mitch yells while pounding his desk.

"Alright doods I got to go get some water," Mitch says taking off his headset.

"Now Jerome?!" Nic asks.

"Now!" Jerome laughs evily.

"Ok everyone me and Nic are going to play a prank on old Benja!!" Jerome laughs again.

Nic and Jerome sneak into Mitch's room loaded with 10 cans of silly string each. They hide in his closet and wait. Mitch enters the room with a bottle of water and puts on his headset.

"Jerome, Nic I'm back." Mitch says speaking into the mic.

"Guys?" He says confused,

"SUPRISE BIGGUMS!!!!!!!!" Jerome screams.

Nic and Jerome start rapid firing Mitch with the nerf guns Nic rigged to shoot silly string.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mitch yells.

"I GOT YOU BACK!!!!!!" Nic yells high-fiving Jerome.

"Got me back for what???" Mitch says confused.

"The other day when you interrupted me and Preston playing CrazyCraft!" Nic exclaims.

"Oh ya that day! That was awesome!" Mitch laughs still on the floor.

"Ugh whatever Biggums. Lets just end the recording," Jerome says helping Mitch up.

"Alright doods slap that like button with your forehead. Link to Jerome and Nic channels in the description. Take care!" Mitch ends the recordings as well as the Skype.

"Guys now I got to shower!" Mitch whines.

"Oh well you needed it anyway Benja!" Nic teases.

"Whatever, just get out so I can shower!" Mitch says pushing them out of the room.

Nic and Jerome walk into the living room and sit on the couch. Nic flips through the channels until she finds her favorite TV show... Ninjago(is my favorite show. Deal with it)

"Really Nic this is the show you want to watch?!" Jerome asks.

"Ya dummy it's mah favorite show in the entire world!!" Nic says pointing towards the Ninjago shirt she was currently wearing.

"Oh right the shirt," Jerome reminds himself.

"Ya know Jerome I am just like Jay. I love to invent, hence the rigged nerf guns. I also love blue." Nic says as she pulls her blanket over to her.

"Cool! Hey can you pass me the chew bacca blanket?" Jerome asks.

"Ya sure!" Nic replies handing him the blanket.

The two sit on the couch while Nic makes Jerome watch ALL of the Ninjago episodes.

Then Mitch comes back from his shower half way through the episodes. He sits down and watches the rest with Nic and Jerome.


Yes I do love Ninjago. I also HATE the hunger games. But Mitch and Jerome play it so it has to be in the book. Plz comment, vote and follow!!!! Take care and may StarClan light your path!


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