17? The Busan Sea, Again?

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The morning sunlight falls through the thin curtains in my room. I open my eyes to find the awfully familiar room that I grew up in. After I've stretched my body, I get out of bed and head downstairs to get breakfast. Maybe Floyd already made some.
In the kitchen I find Floyd cooking up some breakfast. The amazing smell makes me smile right away. I am not a morning person, but this amazing smell could make me a morning person.
'Morning sis,' Floyd says with a smile.
'Morning,' I reply.
'Do you have to work today?' he asks.
'What day is it?'
'Yes, I always work Saturdays,' I tell him. 'Hey, listen, I had the weirdest dream last night.'
'Another nightmare?'
'No, but we were on the run though. We had these special powers and the army was trying to kill us and we found a group with the same powers who fled Seoul and together we tried to take on the army, but I woke up before I could see if we won,' I tell him. He chuckles.
'I dreamed that you were dating some guy with lazy eyes and I was really annoyed by it,' he tells me, making me laugh at him.
'That sounds like you.'
'Aren't you late though?' Floyd asks me when he looks at the clock. I look at the clock too and feel a rush go through my body.
'Shit, I only have a quarter,' I curse out.
'I'll make you breakfast to go. Go get ready,' he says, watching me rush upstairs at the speed of light.

'Morning Jimin,' I say cheerfully when I see my neighbor making coffee at the cafe I work at. He is always here early. Or at least earlier than me.
'Morning Mali,' he replies. I walk to the back and quickly get changed into my white blouse, dark brown vest and short, light brown apron. As I walk to the front again, I tie my hair up in a ponytail.
'Is Hoseok coming by today?' I ask Jimin. He chuckles.
'Are you chasing him or something?'
'No, but we have dance classes together and we need to make a choreography together.'
'Just call him.'
'Don't have his number.'
'I'll send you his number, because he isn't stopping by today,' Jimin says and hands me a cappuccino.
'Thanks,' I say, taking the cappuccino from Jimin, 'so are we on our own today or is Minseok still coming?'
'Minseok is already here, but a friend of his stopped by. They're over there,' Jimin says and points at a table in the front, next to the window.
'Aish, he's cute,' I tell Jimin.
'Don't even try. I think Minseok might like him,' he replies.
'Minseok is gay?' I ask him in surprise.
'I think bisexual.'
'Like you?'
'Like me.'
'About that, how is Kookie doing? You have your first anniversary soon, don't you?' I ask Jimin with a playful smile on my face. A small blush appears on Jimin's face.
'Kookie is doing great. I have a beautiful date planned for us, but I don't think he realizes I'm so busy with it,' he tells me. 'How's your love-life?'
'Ha, what love-life? Floyd makes sure to keep all the boys away,' I tell him.
'Oh, remember that time he pretended to be your boyfriend, just to get a guy away from you?' Jimin replies excitedly. A big sigh leaves my mouth.
'I wish I didn't,' I say and look out the window, past Minseok and his friend, past the houses on the other side of the street, at the Busan sea. My favorite place in the world.
'Morning,' someone says. I look at the customer and smile at him. He is tall, slim and looks very cheerful.
'Good morning, how may I help you?' I ask with a friendly smile.
'I would like an americano, one caramel macciatto and a normal coffee,' he says. I write it all down and nod at him.
'To go?'
'No, we're sitting right over there,' he says and points at a booth where two other cheerful guys sit.
'Okay, I'll come bring it when it's done,' I tell him. He nods and leaves to the booth.
'He's cute,' Jimin says right away. 'Leave your number on the bill.'
'You had me do that plenty of times and it never worked.'
'Good morning,' a new customer says. I look at him A lazy smile, dimples and small eyes, but over all very handsome.
'Morning, how may I help you?'
'I am in a big hurry. Could I get a normal coffee to go?' he asks.
'Sure, that'll be 2,500won,' I tell him. 'Jimin, make a normal coffee quickly.' Jimin nods and goes right to work. The man hands me the money, I give him his change, Jimin gives him his coffee and the man leaves again.
Suddenly I notice something black laying on the counter. His wallet. He forgot his wallet. I grab it quickly and run outside to follow him, only to run right into him. He was probably running back.
'Shit, I am so sorry,' he says and quickly gets up to help me up. His coffee is on the floor.
'No, it's my fault. Here is your wallet, and-' I grab my notebook and pen out of the pocket of my apron and scribble some words down, 'this is my number. Call me or come by again so I can at least give you a new coffee.' A big smile appears on his face, making his dimples show.
'You're adorable,' he simply says, 'do you work tomorrow?'
'No. I work on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday,' he nods.
'Nice. Is this place opened tomorrow?' I nod. 'Are you free tomorrow?' I nod again. 'Good. Meet me here at one pm and you can pay me back,' he says and walks away.

'Well that was unexpected,' Jimin says as we close shop.
'I know. It was so weird, but at the same time really cute,' I tell him while I sweep the floor. Minseok claps his hands.
'Come on guys, a bit faster. I want to go home soon,' he tells us and grabs cleaning supplies to start cleaning the tables.
'So, what's your relationship with the guy you sat down with?' Jimin asks while leaning on the counter, his elbows supporting his weight and his head in his hands. Minseok falls silent to Jimin's comment for a second before continuing to clean tables.
'He's just a friend,' Minseok replies.
'He's blushing!' Jimin yells out in excitement.
'Jimin, just continue cleaning,' I snap at Jimin, 'I also want to go home.'
'Yeah, but you have a date tomorrow,' Jimin snaps back jokingly. Minseok looks around to me and chuckles.
'You have a date?'
'No. I am buying a guy a coffee because bumped into him and he spilled his coffee so I felt guilty,' I explain. Minseok looks at Jimin for confirmation.
'No, he was really slik. He forgot his wallet and she ran after him, but he was running back so they ran into each other. His coffee fell, she offered to buy him a new one and he said to meet him here tomorrow,' Jimin says, summing it up. Minseok has a big grin on his face.
'Go home Mali. Get some rest for your date,' he tells me.
'Ugh, it's not a date,' I claim, but I do leave.

'She said he's cute,' Jimin tells Minseok.
'Should we watch him?' Minseok asks Jimin out of a brotherly instinct.
'Aniyo, he seemed harmless,' Jimin replies.
'Should we watch them?'
'Definitely. It'll be so cute.' 

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