13. Catch Me When I Fall

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The silence in the room is incredibly awkward. You could cut the tension with a blunt knife. It's strange if you realize that they all used to be so close, but then again it's understandable. Now that they know the truth it should be better, but it isn't.
'What now?' I ask the group, but no one responds. 'I asked: What now?'
'Nothing,' Kai responds and walks out to the kitchen to get away from the group. Luhan leans towards me so that he can whisper in my ear.
'I told you I should've ran,' he whispers. I sigh and roll my eyes at him, but he seems to only get more nervous about that. The scene is frozen. No one is moving. It annoys me so much. Enough for me to speak up.
'Enough!' I say with a raised voice, 'we are not doing this like this. Luhan here helped me escape. I took him here, so you should get angry at me for taking him here. You shouldn't get angry at him for being here!'
'But he came here at his own free wil,' Chen whines at me.
'No, I told him to come with me because he is injured. Can't you just give him a second change?' I ask them in deep despair. Suho stands up and walks over to Luhan, who quickly gets up too as a defense. My whole body is tensed up and ready to attack him if he does something, but he just stands there for, what feels like, hours. Suddenly he pulls Luhan into a hug.
'It's been too long Lu,' he says. The shaking in his voice tells us he's crying. The other boys seem to have warmed up to Luhan too and join in in the hug. Even Kai walks back from the kitchen. I guess the sentiment is too strong.
Except for Lay. Lay walks over to me and sits down on the couch with me.
'You scared me back there,' he says, referring back to the glass cages that shattered because of my scream.
'I was trying to survive.' He pulls me into a hug out of the blue.
'Never scare me like that again,' he tells me. I carefully push him away, breaking the hug, and take his hands, looking at the back of them. We stare at the matching marks on our hands.
'So that was the familiar feeling,' I state. When I look back up at Lay I feel his lips against mine. It's only for a short period, but it feels like eternity. It makes me happy for some stupid reason. It feels right.
'Lay,' we look up at Floyd, 'kitchen. Now.' I can only imagine what he is going to say. "Don't you dare hurt my little sister. I'll kill you if you do." That sort of stuff, but Lay stays where he is.
'I know you want to warn me not to hurt her, but do you really have to?' He lifts our hands. 'This stuff doesn't lie.'

'So what it comes down to is that we have a friend back and a new relationship in the group,' Chanyeol says to convince himself that all this is true. From the groaning in the room you can tell that this isn't the first time he's said this.
'Yes,' I respond to convince him that all this is true.
'Can you stop repeating that?' Sehun asks annoyed, 'It has been two days since it happened.' Lay comes down the stairs and kisses the top of my head before taking a seat next to me at the kitchen table.
'What's for breakfast?' he asks. He has started to light up since our first kiss and there have been many more behind the backs of the others.
'So when are you two moving out?' Chen asks as he passes by, walking to the living room where he lays down on the couch. Floyd sends him a death glare and looks at me with annoyance, as if Chen was speaking the truth.
'We aren't,' I snap at Chen and roll my eyes at Floyd, who is taking all this a bit too seriously. He has never seen his sister with a man like this, but he was comfortable with me living together with nine men we just met. Kind of strange. He means well though. A deer comes down the stairs. Deer being Luhan's nickname. I have learned a lot about these guys in the few days Luhan has been with us. He is most definitely the mood maker in the group, along with what they call the beagle line. That's Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen. Those three seem to be the pranksters.
Also, Luhan and Xiumin seem to be very close. Xiumin calls Luhan deer or Lunnie and Luhan calls Xiumin baozi or Minnie, but Minnie seems to be a general nickname for the eldest of the group. That's also a thing, Xiumin looks the youngest but is the eldest.
'Morning Lu,' I say when he walks into the kitchen.
'Morning bunny,' he replies. Yeah, I don't know either. He just started calling me that out of the blue.
'Did you sleep well?'
'Yeah, but we are quite bunked up,' he replies.
'Maybe we should move,' Suho suggests. Floyd and I both look at him like he just killed a man. This house holds our only memories of our parents, we can't just leave like that.
'No,' Floyd plainly says and goes back upstairs.
'Are you okay Mali?' Lay asks when he notices the shock in my eyes.
'Yeah, yeah, I'm fine,' I tell him and get up from my seat, moving in complete and utter shock. Something shut off in my head again. It feels like I'm falling into a bottomless pit of good memories, but suddenly there is a bottom and the bottom is the most harsh memory a child could have a bout their parents. Them being murdered in front of my eyes.
Maybe I should leave. Maybe I should leave those memories behind and start again. I should, shouldn't I? Yes, I should.
'Hey bunny, are you okay?' Luhan asks when he walks into my room. My tear stained face lifts from the pillows on my bed.
'Yeah,' I say with a smile, 'I just needed some time to process Suho's suggestion. This place is the only memory I have left of my parents.' Luhan sits down on the edge of my bed and strokes my hair.
'I'm sorry bunny,' he says with a comforting smile.
'You can't do anything about it. Let's get Floyd ready and then we can move.'

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