Chapter 2

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The lights blinded Alexander Hamilton's eyes at first. He could barely see when he opened his eyes but he knew that they did not belong to his own bedroom. Did he fall asleep at the...

He gasped and sat up, ignoring his migraine and standing up. Stumbling at first, he walked to the nearest wall and started taking deep breaths. The party, kissing George, his panic attack, the sketches, spin the bottle. It all zoomed around his head and caused his heart to beat faster than a snare drum. He suddenly felt strong hands grabbing onto his shoulders and turning him around. Alexander realized his eyes were closed and he opened them, meeting the worried gaze of a pair of grey-blue eyes. His breathing went slower but his already weak knees just wobbled more when he saw George Washington.

"Alexander, are you alright?"

The question swam around in his head for a couple seconds before he could actually realize what the question was. Everything felt slow and that messed with him. One minute everything was going a mile a minute and he couldn't breath. But then right when he saw George everything just seemed to go as slow as a turtle in glue. It just made his mind fuzzy so he ignored that thought and answered.

"Yup, peachy keen lima bean." He mumbled, leaning on George for support. George sighed in annoyance and led him back to the couch. Hamilton, when looking around, realized very quickly that he was in Mr. Washington's office. He recognized the smooth dark oak desk and the beautiful window that the sun was shining through. His office was at the top of the building which gave him a beautiful view of the city. The city always looked so nice in the morning when the snow was just a thick blanket over the town.

"Hamilton for God's sake answer me!!!"


George Washington let out a long sigh to get his patience back. Hamilton zoned out sometimes it was true but never like this. Not when they were having a direct conversation. "Would you like to go home or stay here, Alexander." He whispered, placing a hand on Hamilton's forehead, "That was my question." Alexander shook his head, clutching one of the couch pillows to his chest. George nodded and went back to his desk.

He sat down and they both went into a stare down, unblinking and unmoving. They were across the room from each other, just studying each other like predators. Alexander took note of how the sunlight from the left windows outlined George's features well. You could see his cheekbones and the shine in his eyes. God, Alexander loved his eyes. He was practically in love with his eyes. Meanwhile, George was noticing the bags under Alexander's eyes, his messy disheveled hair, shining blue ocean eyes, and his soft pale skin. Alexander looked like he hadn't slept in 2 weeks, maybe he hadn't, but George couldn't focus on anything but his skin. It looked soft and inviting. It looked like the kind of skin that would be compared to a marshmallow or a cloud, it was about the same color too.

George sighed, "How long since the last time you slept?"

"I was just asleep wasn't I?"
"Call me George."
"Sorry, sir, but I prefer sir, sir."
"Alexander, lay down and get some rest."
"I don't have a blanket."
"There aren't any blankets around."
"Why not?"
"It's an office."
"Why did you not bring me home?"
"I didn't know your address and I couldn't find your file in my drawers."
"Well, why didn't you just bring me to your house?"

Alexander froze and instinctively covered his mouth before he could say more. I just suggested that he should have taken me to his home! Oh my god what is wrong with me! George's cheeks were a dark red as he slowly set his pencil down and looked at the clock. "Would you have liked that, Alexander?" He asked, throwing him off guard. Their faces looked like they were just drenched in red paint. "... maybe." Alexander mumbled, deciding that light flirting would be ok for now. He wasn't going to immediately jump into anything until he knew his job wasn't at stake.

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