Chapter 15

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George went to the flower store and picked up tulips for Alex and asiatic lilies for for Thomas. Why he remembered what their favorite flowers were he didn't know. He made sure to buy two boxes of chocolate along with the rings. He was so excited for the rings!

It was just a set of promise rings, nothing like marriage, but god George was so excited for it. It had only been a short amount of time with the two, three months at the most, but he was so excited to show them. In the car he sighed and smiled, looking in his mirrors.

"Nothing could ruin this. Thomas and Alex are at home probably cuddling and kissing, Charles is gonna get caught by the cops, and we're definitely going to have beautiful loving memories." George sighed, checking his watch.

He mumbled, "And if I get home soon, maybe some really hot sex." He stopped and waited in the traffic, slouching in the driver seat. It was a bit too quiet for George's taste, but he didn't bother turning on the radio, already knowing there would be nothing good on. So, George let his thoughts wander to his boys.

His boys. God he loved that he could call them that. Alexander was absolutely precious to him. He was funny, hardworking, loving, and always knew exactly what to say. But, he had his little flaws. Like, once he knew what to say, he never knew when to stop knowing what to say. And sometimes things he didn't mean would slip out. There had been several occasions when George would have to physically shut him up during meetings. (One of those times resulting in some very heated dominant and submissive filled intercourse).

Thomas was softer than Alexander. George had his heated moments with Thomas, but it usually didn't go farther than making out and talking. They had talked very descriptively about what Thomas was comfortable with and what George was allowed to do. Dirty talk never went as far as insults, because Thomas was still in a stage of recovery, and Thomas always made sure not to beg for any touching or sex, because they both knew he wasn't ready. Thomas never led him on.

George's thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing louder. He flinched a bit, rolled his eyes, and checked who was calling. Babyyy. Question was was it Thomas or Alex.

George realized it was 3 y's, recognizing it immediately as the emergency number. He answered and made sure to keep an eye on how the traffic was going, even if it wasn't moving at all.

"George," Alex whispered, his voice strict and angry. George didn't answer within .5 seconds and Alex continued, his voice urgent.

"Did it not occur to you that we have fucking access to the news and yOU CAN'T HIDE THAT FUCKING CHARles Lee escaped prison and was seen near Thomas' old house are you FUCKING retarded?!" Alex snapped, tapping his foot on the ground.

George could hear yelling and sobbing in the background, Thomas no doubt. He heard Thomas in the background.

"Alex, stop it it's fine everything's f-fine!" Thomas shouted, throwing something that ended with a shatter. George winced, praying it wasn't one of the urns on his fireplace. Alex mumbled, "Just a purple vase. George, come home. Now." He hung up and George rubbed his eyes, putting the car into drive and moving forward with the traffic.

George didn't get home until an hour later, just in time to find Thomas in the bedroom cuddled up in the blankets on the floor. He was sitting in the corner, clutching a tear stained pillow to his chest.

Alex was still in the kitchen, his head in his hands. He said something to George about being careful but George ignored him, eager to make sure that his Thomas was alright.

"Tommy, love, are you alright?" George whispered, crouching down beside him. Thomas remained emotionless, deep in his slumber. George reached a hand out and gently touched his cheek, frowning.

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