Chapter 12

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"Are you sure this plan is going to work? I don't think Thomas wants the whole world knowing-"
"We'll never say his name. This is calling Charles out. We aren't mentioning Thomas at all."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Alex, you have to trust me... please..."

Alex kissed George's cheek and took his seat to the right of him at the boardroom table. Everybody already had their seats and were gossiping about the kiss they just shared. Charles Lee stepped in and George smiled, straightening his papers. He went over to George with a bright smile. "Mr. Washington, I just wanted to be sure that you sent that text to the right person. Do you really want me to be sitting up here in the boardroom?" He asked, his eyes filled with excitement. Thomas walked in while they were talking, taking his seat next to George on his left. George nodded and pointed at the chair all the way at the end of the table. George started the meeting and everybody settled down into their seats.

Alex gave a reassuring smile to Thomas but Thomas just looked away in return, his eyes meeting Lee's. Lee mouthed a careful i love you and Thomas hesitantly mouthed it back once George started talking. "Alright, people, It's 6 am on a lovely morning so I think it would be absolutely wonderful," He moved to the window, "To look outside for awhile. He opened up the blinds and everybody moved over, giving each other confused looks. Alex had a excited grin that he couldn't help but let show. Charles looked out the window and went pale. 6 police cars were outside. The entire building was surrounded and Charles gasped when he saw the officers entering the building. George smiled and looked at Charles. "Is there something wrong Mr. Lee?"

Charles backed up and before he knew it he was running to the door. It was locked shut from the outside, thanks to Jentsie, the new intern. "It's not like you've done anything that could make you afraid of police right?" Alex said, patting his back. "You didn't break into anybody's apartment and trash . You didn't abide your boyfriend into submission. You didn't do anything wrong, right, Lee?"

The next action happened within 5 seconds.

Charles looked at George, then at Alex, then at Thomas. He dived at Thomas and let out a roar of anger, his nails ready to sink into his skin. The door slammed open and 2 police grabbed him, pulling him back and handcuffing him.

Charles stopped holding back.

"THOMAS YOU LITTLE BITCH! I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA RIP OUT YOUR LUNGS AND STRANGLE YOU FOR THIS YOU SLUT!" He yelled, struggling against the police. Thomas sobbed and turned away as Alex Hughes him tight. "Deep breaths, it's okay, I'm here." George walked up to Charles with a smile.

"Alright Lee... I've been nice for too long... " He tilted his head up. "You fuck with my loved ones again and I'll make sure you'll regret it. Bye bye, bitch." He snapped as the police pulled him away. Every worker watched as he was dragged away to a police car and Aaron laughed, "I'll make sure that if he goes to court he isn't coming out of prison for a long time."

George hugged Thomas tight and ended up squishing him between himself and Alex. Thomas sobbed, "Its.. it's over r-right?" George nodded for everybody to leave and go back to work, since this wasn't an actual scheduled board meeting. "It's over," Alex whispered, "It's okay now Thomas." Thomas wiped his eyes. "I should get back to... to work I guess."

George scoffed, "Yeah, right! Hell no you're coming home with us. There is no way in hell we're leaving you alone or forcing you to work." Thomas asked, "But, we can't leave. Y-you're the boss." Alex laughed, "Hell yeah he's the boss and he can do whatever the hell he pleases." So they all got into Washington's car and went to his house, talking here and there in the car ride.

Thomas practically melted into Washington's bed.

The bed was soft as a cloud and sent Thomas waves of bliss. He stretched his arms out and then curled into a ball under the blankets, clutching a pillow his chest. "This is the softest bed on the planet on my goodness gracious I am in heaven right now." He mumbled. George sat on the edge of the bed as he checked his phone. Jentsie was texting nonstop if everybody was okay. She's so protective over the ones she cares about.

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