Chapter 23

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Thomas woke up around 7pm, fully rested and not tired. This was awful because now his sleep schedule would be out of whack because he wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

No, Thomas knew that he would have to get exhausted if he wanted to sleep. Thomas let a sly smile tug at his lips and he went over to the small black suitcase he brought. "Good thing I have a suitcase full of ways to get exhausted~" He muttered.


He entered the key code in and opened it, smiling at the sight of all his toys. Thomas wasn't quite sure what to do first. Of course he wanted to get George and Alexander's attention somehow, but he didn't want the rest of the group's attention either.

He slammed the suitcase closed when he heard the door creak open. Alex stood there, staring at Thomas with worry.

"Sorry, did I scare you? Probably should have knocked first." He laughed nervously before asking, "Are you alright though?" Thomas smiled and nodded.

He stood up and went over to Alex, suddenly much more needy than before. He was still wearing no shirt and in his swimming shorts. Thomas wrapped his arms around Alexander's waist and pulled him close.

"I'm fine, just thinking about some things. Bad things~" Thomas whispered, leaning down to Alexander's neck. Alex smirked and shut the door with his foot, making sure it slammed close.

They both wanted George to catch them, whether it was in the act or not. Thomas pinned Alex to the wall and kissed his neck, smirking at the moans he let out. Alex went to cover his mouth with one hand but Thomas pinned his hand down.

"Let it all out, Alex~ I wanna hear you~" Alex let out a nice moan, low and needy. Thomas brought him over to the bed and set him down on it.

"I want you to listen to everything I say. Okay, baby?" Alex nodded and sat there obediently. Thomas went over to the suitcase and opened it, his hands running over every toy he had in there. Cock rings, vibrators, collars, leashes, buttplugs. So much to choose from and he didn't know what to do first.

Alex took off his shirt and was starting to unbutton his jeans. Thomas pulled out the collar and let out a sigh. It was a simple black leather collar but it did have a gold heart on it, shiny and new.

He bought the collar awhile back when he first got together with Alex. But he never used it with him, something in his gut telling him not to.

He walked over to Alex with the collar and hooked the leash to the collar. Alex stared at it with eyes filled with interest and lust. Alex licked his lips and slipped a hair tie off his wrist. He pulled his hair back and leaned his head down.

Thomas smiled and hooked the collar onto him, tightening it a bit. Alex blushed at the action and looked up at Thomas. Thomas climbed off of the bed and pulled Alex. Alex got off the bed as well and let Thomas guide him.

Alex was put onto his knees and Thomas slid his jeans and boxers off, very very slowly. Alex whined and in return Thomas tugged on the leash.

"Now, now. You'll get my sweet cock but only if you behave, baby, okay?" Thomas scolded, forcing his head up. Alex bit his lip and nodded. Thomas finally pulled it all off and he gasped.

Alex was already taking all of Thomas in his mouth, not caring if it made him gag. Thomas ran his hands through Alexander's hair and shoved him farther onto his dick. Alex gagged a bit and moaned onto Thomas's dick.

There was a knock at the door and George's voice rang out. "Alex? Thomas? You two in there?" He called, tapping his foot. He asked Alex to check on Thomas and he still wasn't back, which wasn't entirely worrying but still.

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