Chapter 20

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(I can't believe we've made IT to chapter 20 and we aren't even near some either like wow holy crap thank you all so so much for the comments and votes you have all been such amazing people and I never thought my book would be this popular since it was a polyamorous ship. But, here I am! Thank you! ♡♡♡)

"Bitch is about to get his shit fucked up and I ain't afraid of any fucking crap he throws at me" Thomas snapped when Herc asked where he was going.

Jentsie stood up and stammered, "Oh that is a very bad idea! I'm pretty sure you shouldn't, uh, do that!" Thomas ignored her and kept walking.

Marching up the front door of the cabin he noticed that the yelling was not in loud. In fact, there was no noise coming from the cabin at all. But, he didn't think twice about it. He slammed the door open, opened his mouth to yell.

George was sitting on the bed, sobbing his eyes out. Alex was in his arms, sobbing and crying with a harsh red mark on his cheek. George had a bloody nose. Figures Alexander would strike him back.

Jefferson began to remember multiple bruises that he had gotten on his chest from pinning Alex down during their abusive times. He pushed those thoughts aside for the millionth time and slowly walked up to them. The floorboards creaked and Alex looked up, sniffling.

"We're okay." He whispered like it was a secret. George sobbed and looked up at Thomas, shaking his head.

"You're not stupid, you're not an idiot, you're so beautiful, I love you, I'm going to protect you until the day you die, you mean the world to me, I love you, princess, please don't be angry, I love you." Thomas hugged Alex and George and sat on the bed next to George.

Alex let them both hold him equally and they all sat there, crying their eyes out and sobbing.

"I love you two so, so much." George sobbed, holding his boys closer. Thomas leaned his head on George's shoulder while Alex cuddled into Thomas's chest. "We love you too." Thomas mumbled, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Alex whispered, "We love you, Georgey, okay?" George nodded and kissed them both on their heads. "I am so... so sorry..." He mumbled, holding back more sobs. Alexander smiled and kissed his cheek. "It's okay, love."

"Don't worry about it so much, okay? I've had worse things thrown at me and I'll always love you anyway... Even if you really did hate me, I would still love you..." Thomas mumbled.

George looked at him and asked, "How can you be sure?" Thomas stayed silent for a few minutes. They all let the silence settle in. Finally, Thomas spoke,

"You're my angel."

Later, they came back outside to see that the sun had fully set. Everybody was gathered around the campfire, making s'mores and such. Jentsie looked up and let out a sigh of relief to see them all happy and smiling.

The mark on Alexander's cheek had faded and George had cleaned up his bloody nose. Thomas went over and sat down. Lafayette looked at him with worried eyes and mouthed if he was okay or not. Thomas nodded and grabbed a marshmallow and a stick. Jentsie hummed and strummed her ukulele while the fire flickered.

A sudden rustle in the bushes attracted Thomas's attention and he instinctively squeezed Alexander's hand for comfort. Alex began whispering reassurances to him, saying that everything was fine.

Within seconds, John Laurens himself jumped out of the bushes and smiled. "Hey guys!" He laughed, bouncing over and sitting next to Herc and Laf. Thomas let out a sigh of relief and a nervous laugh, continuing to eat his s'mores.

"Why didn't you guys come find me I was waiting forever! I'm only one camp over you know!" John whined, eating a bar of chocolate from the table.

Hercules rolled his eyes and Lafayette apologized, "Sorry, John, we got caught up in the food and songs. Ms. Jentsie can play a Hawaiian instrument called the ukulele."

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