Chapter 10

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"Thomas, are you alright?" Charles whispered, reaching a hand out. Thomas dared to flinch away and was, in return, grabbed by his hair and forced to look up. His monster had a hard glare in his eyes and a frown painted onto his features. He stared down at Thomas with order, like a commander to his troops. It was exactly like that except 10 times worse, like the troops didn't want to be there at all. It was a prisoner in a concentration camp, forced to listen and obey whatever they were told. Thomas put on a hard glare himself, desperately trying to break the system of cat and mouse. He wanted it to be cat and dog, and both sides had chances to win. If he could accomplish it, he would actually like it to be house cat and stray cat, away from each other in completely separate habitats.

"Thomas, you know how I feel about flinching away when I'm trying to help you-"


Charles slapped him and got out of the car, coming around to the other side and pulling him out. He pinned Thomas against the side of the car, growling into his ear. "You listen here you little shit! You're going to shut the fuck up and listen to me goddammit! From now on you are not going to SPEAK unless you are SPOKEN TO. If I find you disobeying, I am going to chain you up in the basement and LEAVE YOU THERE with no FOOD OR WATER. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, JEFFERSON?!" Charles snapped, one hand ready to be wrapped around his throat. Thomas sobbed and nodded a bit, looking down. Charles forced him to look up, his eyes evil and predator-like, similar to a shark's. "We're going to run over the rest of the rules, THAT YOU WILL BE FOLLOWING, when I get back to the house and teach you a nice lesson. Got it?" Thomas nodded again, beginning to sob once more. Charles pushed him into the passenger seat side and then walked over to the driver seat, starting the car and speeding to his house. Thomas stayed quiet the entire ride, following the orders that Charles had given him.

Alex and George were both pacing the living room, trying to get a hold of Thomas and failing miserably. They called and texted and tried to get contact to anybody that could know where he is. George was searching and scanning for answers to what Charles Lee's number was, but the files went on and on in his filing cabinets, and nobody seemed to be friends with him. "I just don't get it!" Alexander sobbed, wiping his eyes for the millionth time that night. "Aaron said there was no struggle! He said he was following after him! Why would he just go with him, George?!" George set the folders aside and stood up from where he was sitting, taking Alexander's hands in his and kissing his forehead. "We're going to find him and we're going to make sure he's ok. I promise." Alexander sighed and looked down, tears rolling off his cheeks and onto the floor below. "I wish we had Lee's number... This would be so much easier if we... WAIT A MINUTE OH MY GOD IM AN IDIOT!" He laughed, grabbing his jacket and the nearest car keys. George went after him, trusting that his boyfriend knew what he was doing.

Alex got into the front seat and George went into the passenger side, buckling up as Alex was already pulling out of the estate. "Me and Charles Lee had to work on a project late in our college days and I remember I got his phone and address! He might still live there! I put it down in one of my notebooks and it's at my house in my bottom drawer! Oh my god this is amazing!" He laughed, making a sharp turn to the street his apartment was on. George hadn't quite realized how fast they had been driving. He grabbed Alexander's arm as a car pulled out in front of them. Alexander gasped and slammed his foot down on the brakes, panting. He hadn't realized he had been talking so fast until George had stopped him.

"Alexander, calm down. Deep breaths. I understand you're excited to find Thomas and make sure that he's okay but it would be nice to not die in the process." George smiled, placing a kiss on Alexander's cheek.

They pulled up to Alexander's apartment building, rushing inside to escape the cold and practically running to his apartment. But, to their surprise, the door was slightly ajar. Alex's heart stopped and he took a deep breath, walking silently up to the door and peeking inside. There was no noise, no movement. It all seemed to go still right when he entered. Flicking on the light, Alex gasped and George went red. The entire apartment had been broken into, ruined, trashed, and destroyed. Alex rushed to a photo of his father that was laying on the ground, the glass broken into pieces. A growl escaped Alex' mouth and he threw the frame at the wall, the wood casing cracking around the photo.

George gasped and ran to Alexander's side, holding him close. "Hey... it's okay..." He whispered, placing gentle kisses along his cheek, jaw, and neck. Alex was still growling, his eyes ferocious like a wild animal's. If this was the appropriate time, George would have teased about it. Alex shook his head and tore himself from George's grip, storming off to his bedroom and ignoring the mess. A vase that had belonged to his mother was smashed, causing Alex to snap. He was sobbing as he searched and searched for the notebook. He remembered it well. Small, thick, red, shiny. Large black plastic loops holding it all together. Slanted messy writing that he had made. Notes, phone numbers, and doodles from John Laurens inside. Hearts littered here and there on the pages from when he was thinking about the cute boys in his classes. Alex began to smile when he found the familiar notebook, untouched and its shine still perfect besides the layer of dust on top.

CHARLES LEE xxx-xxx-xxxx 667 HOLLOWAY DR.

"Yes! George holloway drive!" He shouted, gleefully running out the door. George ran after him, scolding him for just leaving his destroyed apartment without thinking twice about it. They got into the car and sped off to Charles' house.

"You are not to leave the house unless I'm with you." Charles said, slapping his hand across Jefferson's face. He had him tied down to the bed with some rope that had been sitting in his garage. Thomas sobbed, nodding in response. "You will have no contact with Alexander Hamilton or George Washington." He brought his hand down again onto Thomas, earning a yelp of pain and another weak nod. "You're mine, Jefferson. I'm only doing this to protect you. Because I love you." He whispered, placing a kiss onto Jefferson's head before attempting to continue with the rules. But Thomas interrupted before he could. "Ch-Charley you know I love you I-I'm not gonna l-leave again I promise." Charles slapped him again, a cold glare in his eyes. "You've promised me two times now. Rule 3, you are not to speak unless spoken to!" He growled, landing a punch onto Jefferson's face. Thomas cried out in pain and desperately pulled against the rope, more blood coming from his already scratched up and scarred wrists. But, once again Thomas nodded so Charles could continue and get it all over with. "You are not to talk to Alexander or George unless it is under business matters, understood?" He held his hand up and Thomas flinched, closing his eyes and waiting for the pain to rain down. Charles slowly lowered his hand and caressed Jefferson's cheek, planting a kiss onto his forehead. "I love you, you know. It may not seem like I do but damn I do, Jefferson. I really do. You mean the world to me and I just want to protect you. I don't want anybody taking you away from me." Thomas had to fake something in order for Charles to stop. His jaw felt like hell and he was pretty sure the entire left side of his face was red and maybe even bruised.

"P... Permission to speak, s-sir?"
"Granted, Thomas."
"Y-You know I won't leave... I love you, babe, I promise."
"How do I know that, Jefferson?!"
"... Mark me, bite me, chain me up, pull me around by a collar and leash, I'm y-yours, Charles Lee. I would blindly follow any order you gave me... Please."

Charles looked down at Thomas and finally got off of him and the bed, undoing the rope, and finally lying in bed next to him. He pulled Thomas close to him, burying his head in Thomas's chest. "I love you, Thomas Jefferson." He whispered, looking up at him. Thomas forced a smile and closed his eyes, leaning his head back on the pillow. He thought about Alex and George and how worried they got when they didn't know where he was. Memories of passionately arguing with Hamilton in the office flowed into his mind. He remembered George holding his hand in the kitchen, reassurance flooding his body. Thomas sighed and let a couple tears slip. "I love you too."

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