Chapter 5

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For the next 3 weeks Alexander had not been contacted at all by Mr. Washington. Jefferson had beat him and forced him to live in his company, taking advantage of him constantly. It caused him so much pain and he was starting to wonder if he was even worth anything anymore. He started giving himself cuts on his wrist, hiding the blades in a few medicine bottles he never used. They were supposed to help him with sleep but God knows he never used them. Bags under his eyes as proof of their uselessness to Alexander. Thomas never noticed that Alexander was depressed let alone suicidal and George wouldn't even look at him let alone talk to him.

George didn't want to love Alexander anymore. He cheated on him, caused him to cry himself asleep two nights in a row, and hurt him to the point of silence. George didn't want to talk or look at Alexander ever again, but at every board meeting his heart beat right out of his chest when he saw Alexander. But, worry would infect his heart when he saw his sleeves rolled all the way down when it was boiling hot in the building, the even darker bags under his eyes, his hair pulled down and messed up. Alexander looked like he didn't even want to be alive. He never picked up any arguments during debates and Jefferson would always talk. Jefferson with his stupid fucking smug smirk. George would catch himself glaring when he heard his voice.

When the board meeting that day was over, George finally got some courage to ask Alexander to stay afterwards and talk to him. He caught his voice shaking a bit when he had asked, "Are you alright, Hamilton?" Alexander stayed quiet and looked down, messing with the ends of his sleeves. His tie was loose and his shoes untied. Alexander truly didn't even care about anything anymore. It scared George. Whatever had happened it had broken him and left an empty shell of Alexander Hamilton used to be. "You look tired like you haven't slept in weeks and you don't have your hair pulled back like you used to. You'd always say that when the press finally noticed you for everything you were you wanted to be photo ready." George sadly smiled, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay-"

Alexander hugged George, beginning to sob into his chest. George immediately wrapped his arms around the younger, planting a kiss on his forehead. Satisfaction filled George's heart for a reason he didnt quite know, but it was there inside him. Alex brushed his own hair out of the way to reveal his eye a swollen purple and a cut on his forehead. "Th-Thomas he... he didn't... I never cheated i-I swear he... he showed up and th-threatened me and... George he r..." Alexander trailed off as George rubbed circles on his back. He took a deep breath and whispered, "He did n-not ask for my consent, sir..." George gasped and covered his mouth. His blood boiled and his eyes were filled with rage. He hugged Alexander tight and began to whisper reassurances to him. Alexander was on the edge of a mental breakdown, only hanging on my a thread. George was that thread and somehow he knew that it would hold a long time if he trusted him enough. "H-He said I would regret it i-if I told and I got so... so scared, George..."

"You're safe with me, Alexander. You can work in my office if Thomas gives you trouble. Stay at my house if needed or wanted. I will make sure he never touches you again. Alexander, I promise I will protect you." George said, tilted Alex's chin up and kissing him. Their lips moved in synch with each other and George held Alex's waist. But Alexander pulled away, not wanting to go into anything too intimate. Thomas had almost made him permanently afraid of any type of intimacy. "I love you so much, George. I do, I really do. You're everything to me and I love you so much, you're my life, my everything, my life, my love, please don't let go." George left kisses all over Alex's face, holding him close. "I wouldn't dream of it, my prince..."

George, after work, drove with Alexander to his home so they could collect some things. Alex did not want to spend another night in his own bed where he had Thomas had shared some quite unpleasant memories. George stood in the living room looking at different picture frames. There were some of a young woman that looked very similar to Alexander. She was standing next to a small, maybe 4 years old, Alexander. He smirked and looked at some other photos. A group photo of him with his 3 other friends, and one of...

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