Chapter 25

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2 days.

A fight.

Just what Thomas needed.

A fight.

"Alexander this is the last time you will be overworking yourself! You are coming to bed NOW."






Thomas heard the offended broken gasp from his room. He heard a broken sob and then a shout of rage. "FINE! KEEP FUCKING SITTING THERE! I'M GOING WHERE THE COMPANY DOESN'T FUCKING HATE ME SO MUCH!"

Thomas raised an eyebrow. When he heard footsteps coming to his room he whimpered and pulled the covers over his head, afraid that Washington might yell at him. He heard the door slam open and then silence.

George huffed and snapped, "Up." When Thomas didn't move from his position, George marched over and was about to through the covers off his boyfriend. Thomas sat up before he could and wiped his eyes.

"Y-Yes?" He whimpered, reaching for some tissues from the box on the dresser. George stared for a moment before his anger softened. He looked at the bedroom and listened to what was around him.

It was one of Jentsie's techniques to calming down, and he used it all the time in the boardroom. But, all he heard now was Alex typing away and ranting to himself and Thomas's sniffs and whimpers.

He broke down in tears and grabbed some tissues as well, wiping his eyes and nose. George climbed into bed next to Thomas and pulled him close. He buried his head in Thomas's hair, taking in his honey scent.

"I-I don't like it when you two fight..." Thomas mumbled, followed by a sob. George nodded but stayed silent, knowing that if he spoke one word, he would sob louder.

He didn't want to trouble Alex if Alex didn't want him around. "... Is he gonna come to bed?" Thomas mumbled, hopeful. George sobbed and shook his head. He got up and shut the bedroom door. When he turned around and saw Thomas's shaking figure he sobbed harder.

George climbed into bed and hugged Thomas even tighter, peppering his face with kisses. Thomas cried quietly while George sobbed, his tears starting to drip onto his hands.

He whispered, "He h-hates me..." Thomas shook his head and pulled George closer.

"I'm sure he's just m-mad... You know how Hamilton gets..." Thomas mumbled, not entirely trusting his own words. George nodded and leaned into him, sobbing into Thomas's bare chest.

The bedroom door slammed open, the lock breaking. Hamilton stood there with a dark glare and a scowl. "Jefferson get the FUCK out of our bed!" He shouted, his fists ready to strike. Thomas got out of bed and stammered, "B-Babe wha-"

Alex shouted, "ALL YOU HAVE EVER DONE IS HURT ME! I WANT YOU OUT OF HERE! OUT OF MY LIFE! NOW!!!" Thomas gasped and covered his mouth.

George shouted, "Alexander that is enough! You're hurting him too much!"

Alex argued, "I DON'T CARE! I DO NOT CARE! HE COULD DIE FOR ALL I FUCKING CARE!!!" Thomas sobbed and grabbed his phone. He shoved his way past Alexander and ran out of the house. The sound of Alex and George shouting could be heard from outside.

It made him shudder and sob harder as he fumbled with the car keys and got in the chevy cruze. He slammed on the gas and got out of there as fast as he could, tears streaming down his face.

He went to the pool.

With shaking hands he sat on a bench and got out of his phone. He dialed Lee's number.

Lee was on his couch, watching a random movie on TV when his house phone rang. "SHIT!" He cursed, grabbing the phone and pulled his wallet out. "REYNOLDS I WILL GET YOUR MONEY LEAVE ME ALONE I WILL GET IT I HAVE IT HERE JUST-"

"Ch-Charles I wanna go early."

Charles froze and dropped his phone. A smile creeped onto his face and he jumped with joy. "Like, seriously? You want me to pick you up at the pool?" Thomas froze and thought over his decision.

He pulled the phone away, let out a sob, and mumbled, "Please." Charles unfortunately heard the sob and rushed to grab his keys.

"Tommy, are you alright? Is something wrong?" Charles asked, walking outside and getting on his motorcycle.

Thomas sobbed and explained, "A-Alex he... they kicked me out." He broke down in tears and Charles sighed.

"I'll be there as soon as I can okay? Then we can come back here and we can pack our things. We'll go somewhere amazing. We'll go to Florida, or Hawaii, or California. I don't know yet! But, they'll never touch you again!" Charles promised, hanging up and going back inside.

He grabbed the collar off the dresser, smiled, and shoved it into his inside coat pocket.

Thomas waited at the pool, crying and sobbing into his hands. He didn't want to leave his boyfriends, but there was a large chance that Alex and George didn't want to see him either way.

He wasn't going to stay any longer if they wanted him gone. Thomas pulled out his phone and scrolled through photos of George and Alex. Tears dripped down his cheeks and he sniffed and cried. He didn't move when he heard the pool door open. He knew who it was, what was the point of looking up to check?

Charles walked over, his shoes echoing in the dimly lit room. He saw Thomas, frowned, and carefully took the phone away from him. After sitting down next to Thomas on the bench he pocketed the phone and then hugged Thomas.

Thomas leaned into him, something he hasn't done for a long time. Charles let a smile creep onto his face as he buried his head in Thomas's hair.

He tilted his fiance's head up and whispered, "They won't hurt you again, Tommy. We'll get as far away from here as we can, okay?" Thomas nodded and smashed their lips together.

Charles' eyes went wide, not being used to being kissed first. He blushed and held Thomas' hand, rubbing his thumb soothingly over his lover's hand. Thomas wrapped his arms around Charles' neck and pulled away.

"Cali, let's go to California." Thomas mumbled, letting Charles wipe away his tears. "Wonderful choice, darling." He stood up and pulled Thomas outside by his hand. When they got to the motorcycle, Thomas's phone started ringing.

Charles pulled it out and scowled when he saw the caller. Thomas knew who it was, he recognized the cheesy pop song ringtone. Instead of begging to answer the call, he forcefully took the phone, pretended he was sending a hateful text and then tossed it to the side of the road. Charles froze, unfamiliar with this side of Thomas.

Thomas smirked, playing the good boyfriend act, and pulled Charles up by his collar. He slammed their lips together, slipping his tongue into Charles' mouth. Charles whimpered into the kiss, clutching onto Thomas's sleeves like his life depended on it.

When Thomas pulled away, Charles's entire face was as red as the sunset. "So, shall we go?" Thomas smiled, caressing Charles's cheek. Charles slowly smiled and nodded, skipping away to the motorcycle.

Thomas looked back at the phone, hoping that they would read the quick note he made on his phone. After a sad sigh he walked to the motorcycle and kicked Charles off.

"I'm driving. Get on, shorty." Charles actually giggled and got on the back, wrapping his arms around Thomas's waist. "O-Okay."

They sped off, leaving nothing but the phone as evidence that they had even been there.

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