Chapter 26

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my head hurts so bad and I'm crying and sobbing from writing this which isn't really helping but here you go friends. The second to the last chapter of the book. The climax of our amazing story. Next chapter is our falling action and ending. Thank you. Enjoy.

It took George and Alex an hour to get their shit together. They had to talk through the argument and finally managed to call Thomas. When George had called earlier and Thomas hadn't answered, he almost knew exactly what had happened.

He could feel it, deep in his heart. A few minutes ago, he had been screaming Alexander's head off about how Thomas had probably run away to Charles, thinking that the monster was the only person that still loved him.

That was what snapped Alex out of his rage, that was what got them working together again. Alexander sobbed as he laced up his shoes and ran outside to the garage. Thomas had taken the cruze, which had the wonderful tracker setting.

George locked the key code into the website on his laptop and waited for the results. While waiting, Alex sobbed. He couldn't see the computer screen through his tears, but he didn't have the energy to wipe them away. It was selfish, but he wanted George to wipe them away. He wanted to George to care for him. To love him.

But he knew that now was not the time. Thomas was their main focus, and who would he be to tear George away from finding Thomas? He would be even more of a jerk than he already is.

"The pool," George breathed, standing up from the bathroom and grabbing his car keys. Alex followed him, hesitant to get in the passenger side.

He wasn't even sure if George wanted him around for this. But, he knew better deep down. They were both dating Thomas, of course he had to come with. If he didn't, it would only hurt Thomas more.

And that was the last thing he wanted for Thomas.

So, they got in the car and George sped to the pool. He had only been to the pool a few times, and that was back when he was a lifeguard. It was a long time ago, just for some laughs between him and Montgomery.

George had forgotten about Montgomery. Forgotten his best friend, his first lover, his smile, his day, his night.

But, now was not the time to think about that.

Charles could be doing God knows what to Thomas now, and he didn't want his mind to linger about what he could be doing.

Torture, rape, abuse, knife, gun, pain, love, hate, anger, sadness, yelling, screaming. George's mind was a whirlwind of fear and worry and anxiety. The last time he had been this worried was with Montgomery.

But now was not the time. It would never be the time. He knew that. But, what he didn't know, was that it might be time. Soon. Much too soon for either of the two to enjoy.

Thomas was riding on the back of Lee's motorcycle, his arms around the shorter's waist. Lee's face was bright red and it was hard to focus on actually driving to the destination. They were heading to their old house together to get their things.

From there they would take the truck across the country to god knows where. Thomas had to take deep breaths so the thoughts didn't scare him too much. George and Alex wanted him gone, and he had to go with Charley- fuck- CHARLES anyway.

So, here he was on the back of a motorcycle heading to a place of bad memories to get his things together and leave them forever. A shiver ran up his spine as they pulled up to the driveway. He put on a smile and kissed Charles once he parked the motorcycle. Charles smiled and looked away, scratching the back of his neck.

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