Chapter 14

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Valentine's Day. A day of chocolates, flowers, romantic gestures, decorations, and beautiful memories to be made.

But, for George Washington, his most fondest memory of today was probably going to be that Alexander Hamilton, his boyfriend, was holding one arm while Thomas Jefferson, his other boyfriend, was hugging the other arm in their sleep. He thought they were absolutely adorable, but George knew that if they didn't let go then he couldn't surprise them with breakfast. So, he sadly had to pull himself away from his boys, making sure not to wake them, and trudged to the kitchen.

He made just about every type of food that you could have for breakfast and served it onto three plates, pouring three cups of coffee as well.

Alexander liked black with three sugars, Thomas loved a nice cup of creamer with barely any coffee, and George preferred an equal coffee to creamer ratio.

But, just when he was about to bring the plates to the bedroom, Alexander snuck into the kitchen with sweats and his robe on. He saw George, huffed, and crossed his arms. "Oh come on, George! I wanted to make you breakfast!" He whined, walking over and helping him with the plates.

George laughed and kissed his head. "How about we say you helped with this and we surprise Thomas together? Or you could go to the bedroom and pretend to be surprised." George suggested, rolling his eyes. Alex shook his head and sipped his coffee. "No, no. We can both surprise Tommy." Alex giggled.

Thomas rolled over in bed, searching in his half awake state for George and Alex. The large bed was empty though and his eyes snapped open in a flash, fear swirling in his chest.

He sat up and called, "George! Alex!" But, once he saw that it was in fact their bedroom he calmed down, flopping back down onto the bed. This was probably the third time he had woken up without them and thought he was back with...

His thoughts were interrupted when George and Alex walked in with three plates of food and coffee. Thomas sat up and smiled, shaking his head with a small laugh.

"You two are gonna be the death of me I swear..." He took the plate from George's hand and sipped the coffee, savoring the creamy texture going down his throat. "Too sweet for your own good." He mumbled, scooting over so Alex was in the middle of them.

Alex mumbled with his mouth full of food, "Anything for you, Tommy." George wiped Alexander's face with a napkin and Thomas snickered with Alex childishly smeared butter on his cheek. Thomas reached over and licked the butter off his cheek, winking as he pulled away.

Alex was as red as a strawberry and hid his face in one of the pillows, mumbling something along the lines of a thank you. George laughed and turned the TV on, flipping it to the news to see what was new. Alex whined, "News is boring let's watch disney junior." Thomas nodded and they both gave George puppy dog eyes.

George sighed and kissed their cheeks, turning the channel before the news could say anything about an escaped criminal spotted near 665 Holloway Drive. They watched mickey mouse and Alex leaned his head on Thomas's shoulder, his eyes starting to close. George stood up and began getting dressed.

"I'm going to the workplace." He explained, being cut off by a groan of annoyance from both boys. "It's Valentine's Day!" Thomas whined while Alex grabbed the office keys and hid them in his pocket. "Boys, I love you both, believe me. I'll be home as soon as I can! But, I just need to pick up a couple things! Besides, we need groceries anyway."

He grabbed his phone, the car keys, and his coffee. "I love you two." He smiled, kissing their cheeks once again and fixing his shoes. Thomas and Alex said I love you back and George left. Once the door shut Alex held up the keys and jingled them, snickering.

"He's not going to the office if he didn't bother grabbing the keys." Thomas laughed, grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels on TV.

Finally, they stopped on the news and Thomas froze, dropping his fork and staring at the screen with wide eyes.

It's short I'm sorry I failed oh geez I'm so sorry I've been down in the dumps recently like... way down in the dumps... way down... super... down... in the dumps... eh... yeah. Bye.

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