Chapter 9

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Charles was a tad bit protective of whatever he called his. When George gave him an assignment and somebody gave him crap on it, he would make it his life goal to make that person regret it. As he broke into Alexander Hamilton's apartment with a crowbar and baseball bat, he thought about this. He also thought about Alexander hanging out with Thomas Jefferson. His Thomas Jefferson. His fucktoy. Not Alex's. You don't just take my toy and get away with it you fucking bastard.

He stepped inside, coughing a bit. It was dusty and wreaked of coffee and printer paper. Starbucks cups littered around the area and there were some scattered work papers here and there. Charles smiled in satisfaction that Alexander wasn't home. He didn't know what to hit first. What to destroy first. So many options and so little time. He had no idea if Alex even went to his apartment anymore or if he stayed with Washington nowadays.

With a shrug he picked up the crowbar, went to the living room, and began swinging. Every shatter, every crack, and every smash was like music to his ears. Charles took any money he found and broke anything else. He also stole a single pillow, because it was extremely fluffy and satisfied him very much. Within an hour, the place was in ruins, like a tornado had come through and caught everything in its dreadful clutches. He whistled to a tune in his head, picking up a shattered photo of what he assumed was his father and placing it in the middle of the room.

"Ah," He sighed, looking at it all, "Complete aesthetic at its finest. This is what art looks like right here." He kicked a piece of shattered chair on his way out, jingling the loose change he found in his pocket.

Alexander's apartment ruined? Check.

Thomas taken back? Next on the list.

He strolled into work the next morning at the same time as Hamilton, walking beside him to the boardroom. Alexander continuously glanced at him, a bit of anger flashing in his eyes. There was a small chance that he knew he was hurting Thomas, but it was small. No way he could ruin mY BRILLIANT EVIL PLAN!!! MWAHAHAHA!!! Charles Lee let a smile show up on his face as Alex went to the board room and he turned into the next hallway, walking into Jefferson office with a key he had taken from Thomas' back pocket awhile back. Jefferson was gathering papers together, his tie loosened and hair a mess. He had obviously woken up a bit late. His glasses hung loosely on his face, ready to fall off and onto the desk. God he was such a cutie when he didn't even realize it. Charles Lee stepped in and slammed the door shut, gaining Thomas' full attention. He was about to say something to Charles but quickly closed his mouth, realizing it was them. Alone. Defenseless. In his private office. Last time they had been in Thomas' office alone it was when Charles had first invited him over... a bit forcefully...

Jefferson gulped and took a step back, picking up his papers and glancing at the clock, noticing that he was going to be late to the meeting if he didn't get past Charles quick enough. Thomas already knew he was going to end up late like he always did, but he just didn't want drama with Charles Lee to be the reason he was late. That was his least favorite reason to be late to anything really.

"Thomas, we need to talk about our relationship."

Wow really brave Thomas there's no way he could possibly overpower you in this argument oh my god you idiotic piece of garbage.

"You've been hanging out with Alexander a bit too much." Charles said, walking over to him and leaning over his desk. A sly grin was painted onto his face, sending a shiver down Thomas' spine. Flashes of Charles pinning him to the bed and wrapping his hands around his throat, pulling his hair, and cutting his skin with his nails flashed behind Thomas' eyes, causing him to flinch a bit. Charles whispered, "You know you're mine, right, baby?" Thomas looked down and stepped around the desk and Charles with his things. Thomas mumbled, "I'm going to be late to the board meeting, c-can we talk about this later?"

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