Chapter 7

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Thomas finally made it home, not really caring if he was late. But, when he opened his front door and stepped in his blood ran cold. Sitting in the living room chair was Charles Lee. He had a venomous grin and cold eyes. It matched with his pale skin and dark colored hair. Thomas quickly wiped his eyes and took his hat and scarf off. He rushed to the kitchen and began making coffee as Charles simply watched. He snickered as Thomas rushed into the living room with pitch black coffee in a light blue mug. It was the mug Charles had always used when he USED to stay here with Thomas.

"Thanks, babe." Charles smiled, taking a sip of the coffee and sitting up. "I was getting a bit bored seeing that you weren't here. I mean, I went through all the effort and trouble to break in and then you weren't even here!" His smile was replaced with a scowl that matched his personality much better. "So where were you, babe?" He asked, his head tilted in questioning. Thomas gulped and looked away. He picked at his nails, the small clicking breaking the suffocating silence between them. Charles always hated when Thomas picked at his nails, it was such a repetitive annoying tone. He huffed and stood up, just reaching Thomas height. He grabbed his wrists and pulled him forward, scowling at the other. "Where... were you, Tommy?" He snapped, his grip tightening on Thomas's wrists. Thomas whimpered and stammered out, "I-I was at the library, sir." Charles stared at him for a moment before letting go and sighing. He placed one hand on the back of Thomas's head and brought him close for a kiss. Thomas kissed back with no hesitation, knowing that Charles wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Why don't you go to the bedroom and I'll meet you there, okay babe?" He smiled, walking away to the kitchen. Thomas shuffled to the bedroom down the hall and sat on the bed, letting the tears drip down his face. He didn't want to do any of this again, he thought it was over. Thomas never thought that Charles would even think of coming back to him. His hands were trembling as he wiped his eyes and sat up straight on the bed, looking in the mirror across from him. His eyes were red and puffy and he still looked like the mess he looked like this morning, and he wasn't going to look any better once Charles was done with him. Charles walked in a moment later, setting his coffee on the desk and walking up to Thomas with a smug grin. "How about we get started, yeah?"

Thomas, later that night, felt like Hamilton when he had first gotten to him. He winced at every movement, teared up at every action. His voice was so broken from screaming and his cheek burned from the salty tears that flooded down his face like a hurricane. Everything felt like a hurricane actually. His head wasn't going at a normal speed. But, he couldn't tell if it was racing a mile a minute or swimming through an ocean of molasses and glue. Next to him, Charles Lee was passed out and snoring softly. If he hadn't just sexually assaulted him, he would look kinda adorable. I wonder if he had fun with Samuel Seabury whenever he said he was going late night shopping, Thomas thought with a scowl as he quietly sat up. Thomas walked to his dresser and slowly, carefully picked up his work bag, stuffing it with clothes and some other items. Charles Lee can keep the damn house, it was a piece of shit anyway. He rushed to get his slippers on and then walked to the front door. But in a flash he was pinned to the wall, his hair clenched in Charles's fist. He winced as Charles harshly pulled on it, a dark glare in his eyes. From the darkness of the room, it didn't even look like he HAD any eyes, just two gaping holes where they should have been

"Where do you think you're going Thomas?!" He snapped, pressing his body against the others. Thomas winced and was trying to think of what to say. But before he could think farther Charles slapped him and yelled, "Do you think I'm retarded! Do you think I wouldn't realize that you would try to escape in the middle of the night?!" He slapped him again, but on the other cheek. Thomas cried out in pain and began to sob. He shook his head and begged, "Ch-Charley, babe, p-p-please-"

"Please WHAT?"
"P-Please stop that h-hurts!"
"... Will you run away again?"

Thomas didn't answer and Charles's went for his throat. He wrapped his fingers around and choked him, his struggles and gasps for breath pleasing him. Thomas shook his head and cried harder, his vision getting blurry from the mix of air decrease and tears.

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