Chapter 16

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George looked at the stuff he grabbed and cursed under his breath. He never got around to getting to the jewelry store.

"You're loved, you're beautiful, you're perfect, we love you, Jentsie loves you, Washington loves you, I love you, you're the most amazing person on earth, your smile lights up our lives like a sunrise and your laugh is beautiful like all the stars at midnight on a summer day. Have I ever mentioned how much I love your hair? It's gorgeous. Fluffy and poofy likes the soapy bubbles of a bath. I love the soap you use. It smells like the beach. I love the beach. You remind me of the beaches on the Caribbean from when I was a kid. I was a very happy kid. You make me happy."

George walked over and shushed Alexander with a kiss. Alex giggled and pulled away, looking at his boyfriends with a nervous smile. "Rambling again?" He asked, picking at his nails. George shook his head and Thomas kissed Alexander's cheek. "You're okay, darling." He whispered.

George handed Thomas the asiatic lilies; Alexander, the tulips. "I-I also bought chocolates." George stammered, awkwardly holding the chocolates. Alexander took them and Thomas lept at George, tackling him in a rib crunching hug.

"Thank you." He mumbled, burying his head in George's neck. George tried not to get Jefferson's hair in his mouth and he answered, "There's no need to thank me, Thomas."

For the rest of the day the three cuddled in bed, entangled with each other. Thomas was in the middle but Alex almost seemed to be on top of him in a way.

George's eyes opened around one am, tears running down his face. He never cried and if he did he usually made sure he wasn't around anybody. Even if that anybody was his two beloved boys. A sigh escaped his lips as he placed a kiss on both their heads and made his way out of bed and to the kitchen.

It was quiet, as expected, but it didn't seem to be a peaceful quiet. Everything was still like the calm moments before a storm attacked. Thoughts of Charles Lee were lingering in the back of George's mind and he pushed the thoughts away.

As he walked to the coffee maker he noticed a vase, clear with silver jewels near the top, clear as day on the island table. Inside were a beautiful bouquet of asiatic lilies with drops of water littering some of the petals. A crash of thunder outside answered George's question of how they were wet.

He passed it off as the flowers he had gotten Thomas and continued on with his coffee, grabbing a pitch black mug from the top of the cupboard. It was an awfully nice vase.

George couldn't seem to remember how much it must have costed him to buy it. Or when he would buy it. There was an explanation for lots of pottery in his house. The urns by the fireplace were his grandparents, the purple vase (that was now smashed) had matched the study, and anything else had been a gift or taken because he liked it.

But, jewels had never been George's style. If anything he would have gotten a stained glass or mosaic vase to go with the asiatic lilies. He wouldn't even buy a vase because he could just... use one he already has...

Unless he didn't put it there.

George whipped around and stared at the lilies, their petals suddenly a threat in the light of the storm outside. He saw a tag on the side and looked at it, his eyes widening in horror when he read the slanted cursive that he recognized too well from stacks upon stacks of paperwork.

Miss you, Tommy~


George carefully picked up the flowers and held them as far away from him as he could. He walked to the sliding glass door that led to the porch and set them by the bushes. Another crash of thunder came and he hurried back inside, taking off his now damp bathrobe.

With a sigh of relief he went around the house and locked all of the doors and windows. The fact that Charles Lee must have gotten into the house to put those there and then escape without alerting him, the boys, or any of the maids and butlers, was absolutely terrifying. He also made sure to hide the vase in one of the empty closet spaces he had around the house.

He loved his boys more than anything and of course he learned his lesson about not telling them things but... George still didn't want them to worry so they didn't need to know. In all honesty, George wanted to pretend he didn't know either.

So, he shuffled back to the bedroom and laid on the other side of Thomas, placing another kiss onto his head and falling asleep just as quick. The flowers sat outside, blowing around in the harsh wind and becoming soaked by the evening rain.


George practically leapt around the table to Alex to cover his mouth in time to hide the cuss word. The office was not exactly in a good mood today and for some reason Alexander was extra cranky. Thomas was sitting quietly in his seat for once, almost hiding behind James Madison.

He wasn't scared of Alex personally, more just as what he would do if Thomas told him to calm down. George was taking note of this and trying to get Alex out of the board room and into his office where they could talk privately.

"Is he always like this at work?" Amelia Vane Frederick, a new board member, asked. Alex literally hissed at her and George dragged him out of the room by his hair, earning whispers and gossip from the rest of the board room.

Mr. Washington slammed the door shut and they could already hear him yelling his ear off in the hall and fading away as they got to Washington's soundproof office. But, they were shouting so loud that they could still hear very muffled arguing between the two.

Aaron Burr let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair. "This is why you don't say, out loud, everybody knows you're fucking the boss, Hamilton." He mumbled, sipping his coffee.

John Adams argued, "But everybody knows he is! He's always flirting with him and it's outrageous!" He began to mock Mr. Washington, "Oh, Hamilton, do get these financials for the company done and maybe I'll give you a treat tonight~"

Aaron Burr couldn't help but join in to impersonate Hamilton. "Oh why of course, sir, anything for you my king!~"

Thomas slammed his hand on the table, glaring at the two. "You do realize that even if they were together, you would probably be fired for talking shit about them both right? I suggest keeping your mouths shut about them before they come back. Or I'll force you to shut them." He snapped.

John mumbled, "Geez, you're worse than Charles was." Jentsie, who had somehow made her way to a seat in the boardroom, winced and looked at Thomas, making sure he was alright.

Thomas' eyes were wide and he slowly sat up, taking a sip of his coffee. He looked away and closed his eyes, drinking the rest of his coffee and slamming the mug back down.

It suddenly got very quiet and Thomas spoke, "Maybe I am." Aaron's eyes went wide and he suddenly shivered, sinking down in his seat as Hamilton and Mr. Washington walked back inside.

"Sorry for the wait. Let's continue." George said, turning everybody's attention back to the whiteboard. But no matter how hard Aaron tried to focus, he couldn't help but notice Thomas glaring at him from the other side of the table.

Alexander and George were lightly chatting about the financials of the company, light flirting here and there in their tone. Thomas had told them he needed some air, insisting he was okay and just had to be outside.

"Well, are you sure you don't need anything? You're okay?" George had asked, reaching for his hand. Thomas grabbed his coffee and papers, dodging the affection.

"Yeah." He had lied, walking outside into the cool air. It was starting to turn into Spring, but winter still lingered in the breeze.

Thomas leaned on the wall, watching everybody walk out to their cars. He was in the shadows of the alley way, his head down and arms wrapped tightly around himself. The wind blew his hair into his face, but he didn't realize it was even different. His hair was always a mess anyway.

Thomas watched Aaron walk to a blue suburban. He went around to the passenger side and kissed the woman that was sitting in front. Thomas hugged himself tighter and sniffed. He made no effort to wipe his tears away. Instead, he sunk to the ground and cried.

"Well, I didn't think I would be able to catch you alone, Tommy~"

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