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The holidays are over. You have to leave for school. As you arrive justin, THE fuckboy of your school, yells at you from far away "AYE BABE YOU LOOK GOOD TODAY😏" you dont even look at him cause he always does that. You walk in the school and your bestie runs into your arms "y/n i missed you so fricking much😭💕" ybf/n says "oml i missed you toooo😭💗" you say. Then you hear the bell ring. "Lunch together?" ybf/n asks "for sure😚" you replie "kk see ya" ybf/n says and walks away. You have math now so you go to your class. "oh miss y/n please take your seat next to mr blake" your teacher says as you walk in. Already annoyed you sit down next to justin. "aye babe how was your summer😏" justin whispers, since the class had started. "stop calling me babe!" you replie pissed "ooh you mad at me babygirl?" he says biting his lip "shut up!" you say "why so pissed😂😏?" he says "ohh mabye cause i have to sit next to YOU!!" you say still annoyed "its not my fault bae" he says laughing sexy "IM NOT YOUR BAE!" you say "but you wish dont you😏" he says "uuhhhm NO" "ik you do so stop lying" justin says "no im not!" you replie "yess you are" he says.
"mr blake and miss y/n!! You are supposed to do math now!" the teacher says. So you have to study.

At lunch:
You see ybf/n on the table and walk up to her and your friends. "hii y/n how was your morning?" ybf/n asks "it was ok" you say "are you mad at me or something?" your bestie asks "no not at you" you replie "justin?" ybf/n asks. She knows you so well "yeah.." you say. "what did he do?" ybf/n asks "i had to sit next to him in math class and he was like trying to flirt and stuff like that.." you say "come on dont let him take your mood down" ybf/n says smiling at you. You lightly smile back.

After school:
You walk home as justin comes up to you. "Supp babygirl?" he asks. "again stop calling me things like that!" you say "damn do you even know how turning on it is when you're mad?"🔥 justin says "cant you just have a normal conversation with me for once?" you ask him "i could.. but i just dont want to😉" he winks and walks away "aye babe i'll text you later😏" he says turning around then he walks to his house.
He better don't, you think. Even tho hes a fuckboy, hes kinda hot to you. Which makes it even worse!
You come home and go upstairs in your room. You check your phone and justin texted you:

J: hi😉
Y: hi
J: are you still mad at me?😑
Y: kinda..
J: so since you wanted a normal conversation with me, what if i'd come over?😏😙
Y: yeah right
J: why not?
Y: because?!
J: you're alone at home aren't you?
Y: i am
J: then im coming over
Y: do you even know where i live?
J: of course😏💕
Y: i guess i cant change your mind then?
J: nope😏😂
J: i'll be there in 5min

Oh god why?? You think to yourself. You wonder what he wants to do.
Then before you can get out of bed you hear justin already knocking on your door. You go downstairs and open the door. "hi💕😏" justin says "hii" you say trying to be kind. Justin comes in. Its kinda an awkward situation. "what do you want to do?" you ask him "idk hbu?" he asks back "we could go outside just walking around if you want?" you suggest "sure💜" he answeres. You go outside again and you just randomly walk around. "uhhmm so.. how are you" justin asks very shy. Aww he can actually be cute😍 you think. "im good how are you?😊" "im good too" he replies. "i... wanted to say sorry for... uhm.. just you know... always being a dickhead.. i guess😓" justin says. You kinda laugh at him "whats so funny?" he asks "you😂💕" you answere "duuude im trying to apologize right now😆😒" he says "okok you were a dickhead tho.." you say "i guess..😑" justin answeres.
You sit down on the grass and just stay there quite for a few minutes. "y/n" justin says "what?" you say "i need to tell you something.." he says "go on" you say "so you know i was being a dickhead for the last few months..." he begins "yup" you say "but that was actually.. cause i.. uhm" awww he stutters😩😍 you think "i.. like you.. a lot" justin finishes "thats so cute justin😚😍💕" you say "i like you too🙈❤"

Sorry that i haven't updated in like forever😂 Im trying to be more active so yeah.. and im gonna do a part two to this chapter so be prepared for that😏💕

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