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You're at school. Math is so damn boring... Suddenly the teacher says your name "...Julia?"
"Uhh.. what?" you say surprised.
"Please answer the question!" your teacher says.
"Uhm what was the question?" you whisper to your seat neighbour.
"Can you solve this equation?" the teacher says.
"Ohh yes of course, Sir" you mumble.

At lunch:
"Heyy Julia" your best friend James says.
"Hii" you say with a smile and join him.
"How are you" James asks. "Im good, you?" you say.
"Im good too. Whats up this weekend?" he asks.
"I dont know... nothing" you answer.
"Kk😂 are you mad or something?" James asks kinda confused.
"No Im just tired" you say and laugh.

After school:
You go in your room and lay on your bed. "Hey Julia?!" you hear your older brother from downstairs.
"What?" you shout. "Come downstairs real quick!" he shouts back.
"No why?" you ask him.
"Because! Julia please" he shouts.
Annoyed you get up and walk downstairs to your brother.
"Hey theres no beer left and the boys are coming over. Could you please go and buy some?" he asks.
"Uhmm no! Who the hell do you think I am?" you answer "go get it yourself"
"Julia please I dont have time rn"
"What do you have to do?" you ask not impressed by his arguments.
"Stuff" he says. "What kinda stuff?"
"Homework, cleaning my room.."
"Im sure mom didn't want you to invite 'the boys'?" you say.
"Ohh come on Julia" your brother gets mad. "No Im not going to do that you can do it yourself!"
You go back in your room.
You lay on your bed again and watch a movie.

After probably a hour you get up and go downstairs to get some food.
You forgot that your brothers friends were here so you just walk in the kitchen.
"Oh Julia, if you're already in the kitchen, can you get us some beer?" your brother asks from the living room. He and his friends sit on the couch playing video games.
"Really? Do you think I will go and get your damn beer from the cellar?" you say. "Julia please" your brother says.
"Come on Julia" one of his friends says. Just now you realise that your ex Justin is here.
You look at him rising your eyebrows.
You also remember that you're only wearing a long shirt. Thats probably why all your brothers friends stare at you like that. Especially Justin.
Justin smirks "I'll come with you if you want to" he says.
"No Im good" you answer.
"Please Julia do it for me" you brother says.
You sigh and walk in the direction of the cellar.
"Thank you" your brother calls after you.
You go down to the cellar and search for the beer.
You find it and bend over. Suddenly you feel someones hand on your waist. "Hi sexy" Justin says and smirks at you.
"What are you doing here Justin?" you ask. "Looking for you" he says.
"Justin you know you're my ex, right?" "I do, is that a problem?"
You both stand up. "I dont know, maybe"
"Come on Julia I know you still love me" Justin says and gets closer to you.
"Yeah right" you say and laugh.
He gets closer and starts kissing you, while pushing you to the wall.
You try to push him away. "Justin!" you say. "What?" he asks.
Then he kisses you again. You cant help it but kiss him back.
Then you change your mind "what are you doing Julia" you think and push Justin away again.
"Julia do you think I dont know that you still love me?"
"You're such a dickhead Justin" you say.
He kisses you once again.
"but a god damn sexy dickhead" you think but then you push him away one more time.
"I know you want me" Justin says and pulls you closer to him.
He grabs your ass and you two make out.
He kisses like a fucking god.
He slowly slides his wet tongue in your mouth, teasing you.
Then he glides his hand along your thighs.

Then he glides his hand along your thighs

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You moan slightly. You feel him smirking into the kiss.
"I hate you for that" you say pulling away from him.
He kisses you again.
"Julia? Justin?" you hear your brother call you from the living room.
"Shoot" Justin says "lets continue this later"

You walk upstairs and give them the beer. Then you go back to your room.
After a few minutes someone knocks on the door.
"What?" you say sighting, cause you were expecting your brother.
The door opens and Justin comes in.
"Do you mind if I..?"
"Oh no no at all" you say before Justin can finish the sentence.
"What did you tell the others?" you ask. "I said I quickly wanted to talk to you" Justin responses.
"Oh ok" you say and nod your head.
You're in an awkward silence.
You sit on your bed and Justin stands next to the door.
Then all off a sudden you both get tired and Justin walks up to you and smashes his lips onto yours.
He lays on top of you and you make out very passionate and wild.
"Satisfy me" you moan breaking the kiss. Justin bites his lip and takes off your shirt. You unclip your bra and take it off too.
He starts to kiss on your neck, leaving hickeys all over it.
He slowly moves forward down your stomach. Then he takes off your panties, while he looks at you with full lust in his eyes.
He continues to caress your body.
He kisses down your thigh, coming closer to your sweet spot.
He slides his hands under your hips and pulls you closer to him.
"Stop teasing Justin" you say and bite your lip.
He smirks and kisses down your stomach again.
"Justin please..." you beg him.
He keeps his lips on your stomach.
"Get on your knees babe" Justin says.
You turn around and do what you're told.
Justin grabs your ass and starts to suck on your cheek.
He moves closer and closer to your
vagina. "Justin pleaseee.." you moan frustrated.
For a second he stops what he's doing, then so fast that you cant even realise whats going on back there, he sucks your clit.
"Justin omg" you moan and grab the sheets.
Then Justin lays on his back and demands you "Sit on my face, babygirl!"
You do what he wants and sit on his face. He eats you out again.
You're just a moaning mess.
Then you lay on your back again and he keeps eating you out.
"Justin dont fucking stop" you moan.

Your legs start to shake. "Babe... Im gonna come!" you moan loud.
You almost reach your high but then Justin stops.
"Justiinnn!" you say frustrated and throw a pillow at him.
Justin comes back to your face and kisses you.
"You're fucking delicious" he smirks.
You blush and roll over on top.
Now you take off his shirt and his pants.
Hes only with his boxers laying there.
Hes god damn hot. You bite your lip and pull down his boxers, revealing his bulge.
"Damn Jay" you say and Justin smirks again.
You go down his sixpack, leaving behind wet kisses.
You kiss down his v-line, then you rub him with your hand.
You slowly start to suck on his tip.
"Fuck" Justin groans.
You take him deeper and he throws his head back moaning your name.
You stop and sit on top of his stomach.
"I want you inside of me" you whisper in his ear, then you bite his earlobe.
You kiss again and then Justin pushes himself into you.
"Ahh" you moan. Then you start to move up and down very slow, teasing both of you.
"Yes babe.. nice and slow" Justin groans.
You start to go a bit faster.
You moan and move faster. "Mhh" you both moan.
Then you roll over and Justin is on top again. "Are you ready babygirl?" he asks teasingly. “Yes“ you say and bite your lip, while you look deep into his eyes.
He thrusts hard into you. “AHHH JUSTIN“ you moan loud.
He goes faster and harder with every thrust. “Justin it feels so fucking good. Dont stooop“ you moan in pressure.
Justin kisses your neck, leaving wet hickeys over it. “Are you gonna come for me babe?“ Justin asks and kisses you passionate. “Ye.... yes Justin“ you say. He goes deeper making you go crazy. “Justin dont stop im gonna come“ you moan. It feels fucking amazing. He takes you higher and higher. Then you reach your climax.
“Ahhh justin“ you moan and Justin goes slower and kisses you again.
“I love you“ he whispers in your ear.
“I love you too“ you say as he lays down, out of breath, next to you.

Hope you enjoyed✨
Tell me what kind of imagines you want me to write and i'll do them asap😏❤

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